Are You A Fully Engaged Recruiter?

Not All Recruiters Are Fully Engaged Recruiters

Fully Engaged Recruiters Tend to Be Door Openers To Passive Candidates & The "Welcome Mat" For The Active Ones

Fully Engaged Recruiters Know The Importance Of Utilizing As Many Recruiting Solutions As Possible While Keeping Their Recruiting Efforts Continuous


Recruiting is not an easy task. It is a recruitment process that requires hard work, dedication, commitment, integrity, honesty and having the ability to be a great networker. Fully engaged recruiters will win the war for talent in 2016. Fully engaged recruiters are ready and willing to do whatever it takes to identify, recruit, vet and present the best possible candidates for each and every role.

Fully engaged recruiters are creative, out of box thinkers, producers and results driven. Fully engaged recruiters in 2016 will be expected to identify the potential talent pool of candidates (or partner with someone who does), use a number of recruiting solutions that include connecting via the telephone, in-mail, corporate email and send an invitation to connect on LinkedIn. All 4 connecting vehicles will need to be used to be successful in 2016. Fully engaged recruiters, sometimes referred to as "stalkers" have a job to do and that is to get to  the passive pool of candidates before the competition does.

Game On! Be sure to be the fully engaged recruiter now!












Please take a look at my recent Retrain Your Recruiting Brain presentation regarding "Retrain Your Recruiting Brain" where I touch upon the importance of being a proactive, fully engaged recruiter. I am presenting all across the country so if you wish to learn more I would be happy to discuss this with you. Now go get the candidates before the competition does……..

Happy Hunting!

Sheila Greco

Recruiting Efforts Can Be Continuous Even When There Is Not An Immediate Opening









"Recruiting" efforts can be continuous even When there is not an immediate opening

Set a goal to continue to build your database and network with solid candidates who are engaged!


We learn early on that in order to be a strong recruiter, the need to continuously build relationships and networks is a must.  We also learn the importance of staying in touch with professionals we like, want to help and believe can help us. Recruiting efforts can be continuous even if there is NOT an immediate opening. It can easily be done if you make networking part of your daily routine.

Unfortunately many recruiters  fall prey to habits that focus only  on filling the pipeline, getting the hire and moving on. Why? Why should all of your recruiting efforts, relationships, conversations, fall by the way side, be forgotten, become lost in the black hole of an Reviews on a number of ATS systems? Instead, incorporate "staying in touch" and engaging techniques as a way to keep your recruiting efforts continuous. Allow yourself the ability to continuously build upon your Leverage your strong network of professionals. Learn to get engaged, be engaged and stay engaged with those professionals who you believe will someday be a great candidate and networker for you. 

Sounds difficult, somewhat time-consuming? It doesn't have to be. Allow your ATS and other recruiting tools to become your friend beyond recruiting for the current job(s). Don't let it just be a way to connect and stay organized for current roles. But allow these tools to help you stay connected after the roles are filled. 

5 Easy Steps To  Stay Connected & Engaged 

  • Start by sending an email or text to all you have spoken with regarding the successful completion of the assignment.
  • Create a 30-45 Day Letter - Send an email or text to those who you considered to be the "A" Players in this space. Those you connected with on prior engagements. The letter can simply include an interesting article about the industry or a trend. It must be something you found interesting and believe others will t00.
  • Create a 60 -90 Day Letter - Send an email or text regarding what you may be working on to see if they may know of someone. Let them know you have them on your radar screen. Tell them how you wish to stay engaged with them regarding opportunities since you recognize them as being talented and among the wanted.
  • Create a 90-120 Day Letter - send out an email or text wishing them a Happy Holiday, or something that states I hope you are enjoying the season. It can also be a great time to ask if there is anything YOU may be able to assist them with?
  • Be sure you are LinkedIn with everyone you want to stay engaged with.

SGA Talent Recruiting can be continuous with very little effort, once it becomes habit. I assure you these actions will pay off for you.

Happy Hunting.

Sheila Greco


In recruiting there is no such thing as being overly proactive. Join Sheila Greco as she hosts an event in NYC November 5

Join SheSheila_2014ila Greco as she hosts and presents “Sourcing Tips that will Provide Continuous Candidates and Reduce the Cost Per Hire” Come learn how Sheila helps clients implement a proactive recruiting strategy that is continuous by incorporating data (recruitment research/mapping) to get connected as well as how to stay connected and engaged with the desired talent. During this presentation Sheila Greco will share details of how to make a proactive recruiting strategy work for you and your clients.

Search firms (Invitation and details to event)

In the recruiting world, time is always of the essence and the need to perform is expected.

As your clients continue to request qualified pipeline of candidates to interview quickly, why not hit it out of the park by having a qualified group of talent that is all ready engaged to reach out to? Learn how Sheila and her clients are prepared. For corporations (Invitation and details to event)

It doesn’t matter if you are using outside partners or internal resources this proactive continuous recruiting strategy can play a critical role in driving successful recruiting performances than ever before. This strategy doesn’t require a huge investment of money but dedicated time by your team. Learn how mapping, creating networks and staying engaged will reduce your time to hire as well as reduce your recruiting costs. Sheila’s goal is to discuss how she and others leverage data/mapping/recruitment research to help reduce the cost per hire and keep the candidates of choice in their networks. Let us know if you can join us.

Sheila Greco LION

Providing Candidate Feedback Should Be A No Brainer

  Costa frog



Providing candidate feedback is a no brainer

As we know recruiting is a process. One in which is nonstop until the hire is made. This is a no brainer. But sometimes we forget about the candidates. Those who spent time speaking with us, updating their resumes, speaking with our clients, going on an interview and sometimes not. As recruiters we need to remember candidates are people who deserve feedback. Providing candidate feedback during the process and at the end of the search should be a no brainer.

When recruiters are handling multiple assignments getting back to candidates may not be easy or a priority. The challenge to simply provide candidate feedback has changed as a result of our fast-paced, 21st century recruiting activities. But that doesn’t mean we can’t care for the candidates. Candidate feedback not to mention providing a positive candidate experience should be a no brainer.

I truly understand how candidate feedback can easily get lost during the recruiting process. However, if you focus on this activity as part of the recruiting process, providing candidate feedback can be accomplished. Keeping this in mind, consider how you can change this.

1. Take the call - don't ignore a candidate's call or email. Provide candidate feedback during the course of the recruiting life-cycle.

2. Make the call - set aside time either in the morning or late afternoon to do so. Make it part of your day and recruiting process.

3. Stay connected - make them part of your network.

Simply put, we need to appreciate our candidates.

Just saying…

Sheila Greco




Leverage Your Networks To Recruit

People on the Move

Leverage Your Networks To Recruit World Class Talent

You take the time to create strong professional networks. You continue to build, nurture and maintain them. This is a skill many recruiters have mastered and successfully continue to leverage as they recruit world-class talent. You too need to be sure to leverage your networks as you go through the recruiting process to identify, qualify and present candidates to your clients.

Did you know that recruiting from your professional networks is actually one of the most effective best practices for recruiters to recruit world-class talent? Well, it is! Let this be your reminder to use your networks as you search for qualified talent for your clients. The number of professional networks you have is not important, but what is important is the fact that you have a wide network of connections. Such connections should include clients, former co-workers, industry figures, business owners, previous candidates, professional acquaintances, and others  who also act as hubs for access to secondary connections.

A great advantage of recruiting from within your own networks is that you are virtually recruiting from a "screened" community of talent that is all ready engaged. Another advantage of tapping into your professional networks for recruiting is that often times your contacts respond to the call, try to help and don't dismiss the importance of the call. This being said, as people in your networks reach out to you,  you too, must be ready to act and assist as best you can. As I was once told by my father, networking is the key to success in any business. He continued to say that is important to build intimate, sincere relationships which can be mutually beneficial. 

In closing, let me say that any and all solid networks will serve you well today and for years to come. As a recruiter, allow your professional networks to become an additional tool in your recruiting toolbox. Recruiting is all about networking and relationships. Therefore, continue to build upon your networks and keep them strong. Leverage your networks to recruit, and success will follow.

Happy Networking

Sheila Greco






Stay Ahead Of The Rising Demand For Talent

Stay Ahead Of The Rising Demand For Talent

Be Ready To Make The Hire When The Right Talent Is Presented

Don't Let Talent Slip Away

recruiting Needs To Be continuous

Keep networking. Keep the process moving forward.


People on the Move


We read it, hear about it and of course live it…. the war for talent is on. We are at the point where companies need to make hiring decisions fast and or faster than they have been accustomed to in order to compete for talent. Companies need to be in a position to make quick hiring decisions while making sure the hiring decisions are smart ones. The unfortunate part for those who act slowly, can result in watching the world-class talent  slip away go to the competition or simply become unengaged.

Hiring should not be stressful, or minimized by busy hiring leaders. Unfortunately sometimes hiring may take a back seat due to busy schedules, business obligations, the need to meet business goals and objectives. But none-the-less, as of late, we are seeing many hiring managers becoming fully engaged. When they are, the process couldn't be better.

We all recognize that recruiting is not just about the recruiting process or recruiting strategy but really about hiring the right talent that will help position a company to compete and achieve positive results. Therefore when a search for a new employee is launched, it needs to be the focus of all involved. Otherwise it may result in an unsuccessful pursuit or loss of world-class talent.

Good luck to all.

Sheila Greco

Recruiting Is Not A Static Event - Recruiting Efforts Need To Be Continuous

slide2 Recruiting Efforts Need To Be Continuous

Recruiting World Class Talent Requires Staying Connected

Recruiting Is Not A Static Event

Recruiting world-class talent requires having access to talent that is right for your organization. Leveraging talent intelligence/recruitment research can be the key to filling the pipeline with qualified and quality candidates but winning the war for talent goes beyond just the hire. In order to win the war for talent, I believe recruiting efforts need to be continuous. Recruiters need to network and stay connected will future potential hires.

Recruiters need to understand the importance of leveraging the data, talent intelligence/recruitment research that is obtained during the research phase of the recruiting process. As a recruiter with over 30 years of experience I believe successful recruiting is all about creating, maintaining and mastering the art of building relationships. It is all about who we know, right? So my advice is to get connected and stay connected with people and talent that could benefit your organization, not to mention you! It starts with the identification of talent and continues on for as long as you want it to.

Recruiting efforts need to be continuous. Winning recruiting strategies include the implementation of a recruiting process that starts with the identification of talent, employs proactive recruiting activities, focuses on vetting the qualified, presenting/filling the pipeline with interested world-class  candidates followed by staying connected with potential talent. Yes staying connected by creating professional networks and relationships that matter. I believe this forward thinking recruiting strategy will help companies win the war for talent going forward. Are you continuously creating, maintaining and nurturing relationships? I hope so.

Just saying… go get the talent you need before the competition does.

Sheila Greco



Recruiting Emails - The Short and Sweet Version


Creating Short & Sweet REcruiting  Emails

That Produce Results





Recruiting with recruiting emails have become mainstream for many top recruiters. Not to mention a very cost-effective way to recruit. For many recruiters, it is as simple as taking advantage of  the large pool of potential candidate profiles and email addresses that are right in a company's Applicant Tracking Systems and resume databases. The other very targeted and effective way to recruit is by leveraging the information gathered from recruiting research.

Below are a few examples we found to be successful.

1. Good afternoon, John. As a recruiter who works in your space I wanted to reach out to discuss an exciting role that may be of great interest to you. Let me know a time and date that may work so we can connect.

2. Good day John. As a recruiter I came across your name while I was conducting research for an analyst role we are recruiting for that is right in your backyard. Would you have time to connect so I can provide you with the details? As always I am interested in learning more about those who have great talent.

3. Good afternoon Lisa. As a talented engineer, I look forward to connecting with  you.  We are currently representing  Thermo-Fisher Scientific,  and I am very  interested in learning more about you and your career ambitions. Do you have time to speak?

Happy Hunting. Now go get the world-class talent you need before the competition does!

Sheila Greco



Why Companies Outsource Research And Recruiting Services


Recruiting World Class Talent Requires Time, Talent Intelligence and Continuous Contact With Passive, Qualified Talent

Should these services be outsourced entirely or selectively? What makes the most sense for your company?




When deciding to outsource research and recruiting services, many organizations start with the same question: Which activities should be outsourced, and which are we capable of doing in-house? Today with hiring on the rise and the war for talent at an all time high, many companies are being faced with the many challenges of meeting hiring and recruiting demands. Therefore the decision to turn to outsourcing research and recruiting services as a solution is under consideration and being reviewed as an option.

It can be agreed that the decision to outsource or not is never an easy one. The good news is that in our industry, the decision to outsource research and recruiting services is not an all or nothing decision. Outsourcing these services can be undertaken to varying degrees. Outsourcing research and recruiting services can range from total outsourcing to selective outsourcing. Whereby selective outsourcing may only target a single task or a few. Ultimately the choice to outsource is due to the fact that the company believes the decision will result in gains in profitability and efficiency.

After discussing this topic with 25 talent acquisition leaders, human resources professionals and C-level individuals, I discovered there are 5 main business drivers that motivates a company's decision to outsource research & recruiting services.

Cost Savings - When companies outsource research and recruiting services they typically do so with partners that specialize in specific areas such as research, mapping, sourcing, and recruiting. This decision is based upon the reasoning that these functions can be performed more efficiently than the company, or simply by virtue of transaction volume. As for some of the larger companies and those companies with strong internal executive search teams, the cost of outsourcing outweighs the cost of hiring a new employee. 

The ability to exploit a flexible work force often allowing for scalability.  As we have come to learn, hiring needs can change weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly.  These fluctuations in hiring demands can be very challenging for a company's existing staff and by outsourcing research and/or recruiting services on an as needed basis simply makes sense.

Access to a broad yet targeted potential talent pipeline of world-class talent. We are now in a time where recruiting world-class talent is very competitive and requires access to a broad yet targeted potential pipeline of world-class talent. By outsourcing, a company's recruiting efforts may not be just limited to internal databases, social networks, LinkedIn and employee referrals. The additional outside resources can provide a larger reach, providing talent intelligence in turn increasing a potential talent pool.

Expertise and Competitive Advantage. As for small companies, or those not having  the same recruiting capabilities as larger companies, outsourcing research and recruiting to experts simply allows these companies to compete for the same talent. It can put these companies on an even playing field in their search for world-class talent.

Accountability outsourcing is predicated on the understanding, shared by company and partner alike, that such arrangements require quality service in exchange for payment. To some degree it is a given that by paying for research and recruiting services creates the expectation of performance. In our industry we often hear, "time is of the essence; when can I expect to get candidates; when can I expect to get research?……." When these services are outsourced, there is little wiggle room for mediocrity, inefficiencies and non-performance. Greatness and results are expected.

The decision to outsource any service is a major strategic one for most companies, since it involves weighing the potential cost savings, efficiency, and to some against the consequences of a loss in control. However, unlike outsourcing other services outside of research and recruiting services, the client is still in control of the process and cost. Furthermore, understanding there are other research and recruiting services providers out there, the chosen outsourced partner is expected to produce. If the results are not realized, the process is not efficient and cost savings is not present, the client has the option to go to another service provider. So if you are a service provider of these services it is important to over deliver and do it cost effectively. Just saying…..


Sheila Greco



Don't Lose Best In Class Talent To The Competition - Candidates Will Have Options - Recruiting Efforts Will Need To Be Stepped Up


Recruiting Will Be Competitive This Year

Candidates Will Have Options

Best In Class Talent Will Be A Hot Commodity

Recruiting Will Need To Be Proactive

........Reactive Recruiting Is So Yesterday


According to the Kiplinger Report, the job market in 2014 saw an increase of 2.953 million jobs with 2015 shaping up to do even more. It also reported that unemployment should fall to 5.3% by the end of 2015. Therefore, for many, especially recruiters, there is an enormous amount of positives to look forward to this year.

All of the industry indicators confirm that recruiting top talent will be competitive this year creating a marketplace where candidates will have options. With job openings expected to be on the rise, companies need to be aggressive with their recruiting efforts and recruiters need to be ready to perform in order to meet the market demands. It is all about the candidate this year and winning the war for talent. 

If you want to be a Recruiting Rock Star in 2015 you had better step your recruiting game.  Recruiters who want to succeed and exceed, must pay close attention to this year’s trends, the economy and every other detail that affects finding superior talent. In 2015, Best-in-Class recruiters have the opportunity to separate themselves from the pack by demonstrating tenacity and their creative approach to achieve the goal of winning the war for talent.  This year presents an opportunity for great recruiters to set the bar and establish themselves as recruiting geniuses and strategically position themselves as experts providing stellar candidates.

Rock star recruiting will require a proactive approach. Foresight and strategic planning will take center stage. Lazy recruiting tactics will no longer net even baseline results.  This year, unlike the past few years, will be the year where recruiters will need to identify, connect, vet and present qualified candidates quickly. Successful recruiters must focus their efforts on Proactive Recruiting.  Gone are the days of posting, waiting and hoping. I caution those slow to make the change, to be prepared to fall short of recruiting expectations.

Corporate executives and hiring managers will need to be mindful of timing and potential candidate options. It will be imperative for companies to react quickly and commit to qualified candidates before the competition does. Companies slow to hire in 2015 may find themselves losing top talent to their competitors which may have devastating effects on their competitive edge. Additionally, it should be noted, that by waiting, pausing or delaying talent acquisition, companies may unintentionally increase their costs for recruiting not to mention job vacancies being open a bit longer.

This is truly the year where timing is everything – Proactive recruiting, smart recruiting and aggressive hiring will ensure companies are securing best in class talent and not risking the loss of such talent to their competition.

Winning the war for talent in 2015 could reach insanity! Don't let best in class talent slip away or for that matter, not be found. Step out of the comfort zone and aggressively seek the talent you want. Don't find yourself competing with talent that is easy to find – the candidates everyone else is calling and those that are easily accessible. This is certainly the time to seek out the talent you want from the companies you want and recruit them! Find, Connect and Entice top talent! Tell them your story and how they may succeed at the organization you are recruiting for. Lastly, don't forget to stay connected with them. Be sure to establish meaningful business relationships with these professionals. You just never know who will be your next hire…..

Want to win? Then step up your game! As the demand for talent heats up, it causes the supply to cool down. Unfortunately, this can mean that the process to recruit the best and the brightest talent may become a constant and costly battle. This is the year of change. It is a candidate-driven marketplace. Candidates will have options. Please do not limit recruiting efforts to reactive recruiting. This is the year that recruiting strategies will need to employ proactive recruiting strategies to limit candidates’ options and recruit them before the competition does!

Now, go get the best in class talent before your competition does. Candidates will have options.

Just saying!!

Happy Hunting!

Sheila Greco


Exploiting Intelligence Will Be Part of Future Recruiting Strategies




Intelligence will be part of future recruiting efforts.







Recruiters know how to successfully identify talent amongst the crowd. They also know how to exploit the intelligence gathered during the research/sourcing process. Often realizing the value of such intelligence and the importance it plays in creating a strong pipeline. But what happens to this intelligence once the pipeline is filled? Is the once sought after talent suddenly dismissed? Forgotten?  I sure hope not! They could be part of the next candidate pipeline. Even the next hire. That being said, it is important to cultivate relationships with such talented professionals. Don't waste the intelligence that was captured. Not to mention the time, energy and money spent. Be aware that intelligence will be part of future recruiting efforts.

Not measured on cultivating relationships? Probably true. But making it part of your recruiting practice is not a waste of your time. Soon enough there will be emphasis put on capturing and exploiting the mapping intelligence. The change in the marketplace is all ready occurring. Internal executive recruiting teams are beginning to take notice and monitoring top talent in the industry. It includes, mapping talent at companies of interest while tracking "A" Players. Yes, the industry is moving in this direction. Senior management has Intelligence on their radar. They are becoming more and more aware of the importance of such intelligence. Therefore I am a true believer that intelligence will be part of future recruiting efforts and strategies.

Lastly, no one can argue the fact that intelligence often results in attracting more talent than the company needs. Routinely over producing, creating efficiency while quickly filling the pipeline with exceptional candidates. All the more reason to cultivate relationships with the professionals identified. The goal needs to be that the recruiter gets to know them and they get to know you! As the relationship unfolds do begin to softly sell the company and the benefits related to working there.

Happy Hunting.

Sheila Greco



Results & Customer Driven Teams Along With Loyal Clients Are The Foundation Of SGA Talent's Success


Thank you SGA Talent Teams, You All Rock!

Thank you loyal and returning clients, You All Rock!

Here is to the next 25 years!


I just want to say that I truly believe that our teams and clients just as they were 25 years ago continue to be SGA Talent's greatest assets. Thank you all. You are the foundation of our success!

The strong loyalty of both cannot be duplicated, here is to another 25! As we make our way into the 4th quarter of 2014, I would personally like to say thanks to all who have made the first 25 years of Sheila Greco Associates LLC - SGA Talent a successful one.

Looking back it has been an interesting great journey. SGA Talent started as a research house offering mapping/research mainly to search firms. At the request of our clients we entered into the recruiting/pipeline generation business. Shortly thereafter, we made a logical decision to enter into the business of customized competitive intelligence/business intelligence and in 2005 we launched SGA ExecutiveTracker. Throughout our history, SGA Talent has undergone many changes, and continues to evolve, but one thing is for certain, we understand the importance of delivering results driven services that help our clients succeed and keep them coming back.

As Mahatma Gandhi quoted, "A customer is the most important visitor on our premises, he is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so." All so true.

As the close of 2014 decends upon us, let me say,  thank you to our loyal clients and we are looking forward to welcoming the new ones. It is all about the team and accomplishing the goals together.

As we have done in the past, lets continue to do it in the future; learn from each communicate, deliver, and understand the true meaning of the word partnership. In our world where time is of the essence, supeior results are expected and being cost conscious is the norm lets walk along side each other and continue to be succcessful as a team.



Interesting Side Notes…Winning in the marketplace requires winning in the workplace

It's all about winning in the workplace!

Happy employees make a difference to a company's overall success.

I believe that a company’s carefully-maintained employee-first culture can and does positively effect its bottom line.


Business Talks Winning in the marketplace is certainly the main focus of any company. But just as important is the company's ability to take care of business in the company's workplace. Yes, to me, it is all about winning in the workplace that drives the company's success. I cannot stress enough, the fact, that people are a company's greatest asset.

Creating a quality and winning workplace filled with content and high-flying team players does make a difference. I recently came across a quote from Doug Conant, ex CEO Campbell Soup which stated, " To win in the marketplace you must first win in the workplace." To me, this says it all. As a business owner of a small company I know the importance of having happy people in our workplace and how it has played and continues to play in our overall success.

As I look to maintain and build upon a winning workplace, the following are a few of our company's "must haves"  to ensure we are winning in the workplace. Please note that they are not in any specific order.

1. Offer competitive salary with the opportunity to earn more based upon individual and team successes.

2. Have in place an environment that offers a challenge to each team, holding each accountable while offering a real sense of ownership to completed projects.

3. Make available necessary tools that will assist with the each team player's successes.  I believe there needs to be relevant tools and proven processes in place to empower each employee.

4. There also must exist the opportunity for career advancement, creativity and it is okay to fail while trying something new environment.

5. Hire those who will make the team stronger. I have also learned that creating a winning workplace environment requires the need to ensure every new hire is a great one. Again, looking to maintain and enhance the all ready great colleague type of environment.

6. As a leader it is important to keep morale high, create that positive and winning workplace that will keep turnover to a minimum. It also means promoting, hiring and training leaders others want to work for.

7. Always promote the concept that the customer is always right attitude. It starts at the top and should be part of the corporate culture.

What do you believe is important to winning in the workplace?


Sheila Greco

The Recruiting Industry - Decades of Inspiration, Innovation, Obsession..... And Of Course The Need For The Human Touch As Part Of The Process

Boston City Flow

The Recruiting Industry - 40 Plus Years In The


Constant Innovation -  The Obsession With Tools,

Technology And How To Make The Process More

Efficient, Cost Effective And Results Driven!

And The Need  Of The Human Touch To Get The Job




Have some of the changes to the recruiting industry been disruptive or just the continuation of the evolution of the recruiting industry? Similar to other industries, the recruiting world continues to evolve and to some extent still open to discovery. I am almost certain there is still something else out there that will be the next LinkedIn.

So what is next? What new resource is looming around the corner? What technology process will be the next disruptive one? Time will tell. As more and more enhancements and introductions enter the recruiting industry, we need to be reminded that there have been a few constants. Some of the constants include the need for recruiters to always add value, recruit top talent, be efficient and offer a cost-effective solution. Therefore in order to be a successful recruiter, it is important to have the skill sets to exploit the available resources, understand that quality should never be compromised by quantity, time is always of the essence and the importance of  creating relationships, engaging candidates and communicating with clients. Sometimes we forget that recruiting is a people business and are not as mindful of the importance of the human touch during the process. Don't let the hype of new technology and recruiting techniques ever overshadow the importance of the human touch.

Forty years ago, when executives, hiring managers, and others in large/small companies took notice of the recruiting world, it was so exciting and new. Expectations back then may not have been as high, yet the need to perform was obvious. As the industry grew, so did the number of firms and the number of professionals. As the industry matured so did the opportunities to enhance, exploit and introduce new technologies, processes that looked to increase efficiency and reduce inefficiency. Today we are still awaiting the next big thing and looking forward to making the recruiters job a bit easier.

But again, I will say it and say it loud, none of these tools, in my opinion will ever replace the need and important role that the human touch plays in the recruiting process. Furthermore, candidates need to be recruited, screened and presented, all of which I believe require the human touch. Technology and key word vetting cannot ever replace a conversation. Don't be fooled! Just saying..............


Happy Hunting!

Sheila Greco




Retrain Your Brain - Don't Just Post & Hope - Take A Look At The Value of Recruiting With Organization Charts


Win the race for talent……

Understand there is more to recruiting then just key word searching and posting on social networks

I am suggesting it may be worth your time to learn how having access to clearly defined organization charts can prove to be a huge benefit and real asset to your recruiter toolbox.


Finding the right candidates requires training, dedication and hard work. In order to be a successful recruiter it is important to know how to gain access to the potential talent pool, understand the importance of building solid networks, the importance of engagement, the need to communicate the good and the bad, and be ready to find/hunt/search/proactively recruit the best candidates each and every time.

Be that recruiter who desires to be #1. Set yourself apart of the competition. Retrain your brain and get trained on how to do more to enhance your recruiting skill sets. A great start would be to truly understand the value of recruiting with organization charts. In the beginning don't worry if you cannot create one yourself, but long-term set the goal to learn. Having this skill set will help your career long-term. It certainly can't hurt.  

When starting a new search, try to resist going right to the internet or to the other tools that you may be comfortable using. Retrain the brain, step out of your comfort zone and try to create and build organization charts at the companies of interest around the targeted talent requested. (If you are not quite there yet,  find someone who has the talent to do so.)  The more you do it and use it, your comfort level with building and recruiting with organization charts will increase and its value will be revealed.

Please recognize that organization charts are mainly used to tap into the potential talent pool at the onset of a search and such results need to be exploited during the actual recruiting process to fully realize the value.

The message here is to have recruiters at least become of aware of the value associated with recruiting with organization charts. These charts offer a clear definition of a team, the talent, the reporting relationships at the target companies, while also taking the guessing out as to who needs to be contacted for the open position or contacted as a networking lead. This data helps with the messaging of the email and the call. Offering another advantage to those recruiting.

Obviously charts have so much more value compared to just a name, a title, or a public profile that is created by an individual. Again be reminded that many research tools and recruiting resources have limitations and should not be the only resource a recruiter uses. Again relying solely on the tools that require key word searching can and does cause recruiters to miss and overlook qualified candidates because of what is listed on a public profile or provided in a title. Again, resulting in the possibility of missing a candidate.Enough said, now just review the option of recruiting with organization charts and let me know your thoughts.

At the end of the day, a serious recruiter want to be #1, "the go to recruiter!" Step out of the comfort zone, create your own list of talent to connect with, build the best potential talent pool, be in control of your efforts and be proud to show them off to the hiring manager.

Sometimes we fail to understand or don't want to believe that using only tools is the only way to recruit. Try not to think that tools are it! Social network are it! Yes they are part of it, but not all of it. By no means am I saying don't use any of these tools, I am suggesting that recruiters need to if they are not all ready, become familiar with the benefits of recruiting with organization charts.

Here are my Top 5 Reasons that recruiting with organization charts has its benefits

1. Creates access to the potential talent pool while providing direct dials, emails and telephone numbers for ease of connecting. It is the foundation of the search process and important to the overall success.

2. Assists with filling the candidate pipelines for current and future assignment. This robust information also adds additional value by helping the recruiter with candidate tracking while building solid networks with professionals that will long-term create recruiting efficiency.

3. You, the recruiter is now the expert. You now have in your possession the potential talent pool that has been requested by the hiring manager. Such knowledge is priceless.

4. Having such priceless information helps the recruiter compare and contrast the interested and qualified talent who will ultimately be part of the candidate pipeline.

5. It confirms the fact that every stone was unturned. The desired were identified and reached out to. As were those who were referred to by the network of professionals housed in this space.

There is no doubt that there is a lot of information out there that recruiters can use to recruit solid candidates. But recruiting with organization charts creates efficiency, provides knowledge and can be used over and over again to recruit, track and build long-term relationships.

Don't be that recruiter who limits their recruiting efforts to just tools. Be that recruiter who has the ability to create organization charts, exploit what was obtained and build a pipeline of top talent. Increase your skill sets and set the goal to learn how to build and create organization charts. It can be very rewarding.......


Happy hunting, creating and successfully recruiting!

Sheila Greco


Tips For Hiring Your Next Employee

Sheila Img  

The importance of defining who the hiring manager really wants

Be sure all involved with hiring are on the same page as you prepare for hiring your next employee, the superstar


Hiring your next employee and champion is important to the team's and company's future successes. Be sure to define who that person is so that he/she can make a positive impact immediately or as quickly as possible. To keep the recruiting process efficient, below are a few tips for hiring your next employee and superstar.

1. Define the role. Creating a well defined, well thought out job specification certainly helps with recruiting the ideal candidate. Be sure the hiring manager is involved with this step.

2. Define the type of individual the hiring manager is ideally looking for. Include such things as educational background, number of years experience, should the person be analytical, strategic, and/or big picture focused? Be sure the definition is not just limited to qualifications, but personal qualities and traits as well.

3. Define the individual's role on the team, beyond what is written. Be sure it is discovered the type of individual the hiring manager is really looking for. Be sure to define the role that this new team member will be tasked with. For instance, is the hiring manager looking for someone to clean house or build? Is the hiring manager interested in someone who can take over his/her role in a few years, or just someone who can simply join the team and add "value" to an all ready super team? Try to understand why someone succeeds and fails under this hiring manager. This too will help define and lead to a successful hire.

Hiring the next supestar is not always easy. It needs to be defined as to who best fits the definition of the hiring manager's next superstar. Hiring a professional goes beyond qualifications and qualities. Be sure to understand the type of individual the hiring manager really wants and why this type of individual will prove to be an immediate positive impact player. Before the search gets underway, be sure to be real with expectations, be ready to go out and search for the ideal candidate as defined, be patient yet understand that time is always of the essence when seeking out the company's next successful hire.

What tips do you have to share with us as you prepare for hiring your next employee?


Happy hunting.

Sheila Greco





The "Favorite" Or The Most Qualified Does Not Always Win The Race Or Get The Job! This Includes California Chrome


The Favorite Doesn't Always Win The Race.

The Most Qualified Doesn't Always Get The Job.


Favorites don't always win the race nor does the most qualified always get the job. However those who made it into the race, did it based upon talent. There is no denying it! Truth is in today's competitive marketplace, often times there are a number of qualified contenders, all able to get the win. But as it relates to candidates, where someone stands in the line-up doesn't necessarily guarantee the win or the job. Competing for a job no longer is based solely on qualifications. I see this every day. Yes, it is true, the most qualified person does not always get the job. The favorite does not always win the race.

Qualifications of course do matter because those candidates who make the candidate pipeline and get an interview, got it based upon qualifications. But unfortunately these qualifications don't necessarily result in the most qualified getting the job. Even if all the boxes are checked and all the requirements met, it doesn't necessarily mean the most qualified wins. There are other factors that play into the interview process and of course the decision-making process as to who gets hired. Some of which the candidate has control of and others not so much.

There are many reasons why a candidate may not get the job. The following are just a few I have seen as of late; no rapport between the candidate and the hiring manager, the hiring manager is forced to go through the process but ultimately ends up hiring an internal candidate or his/her friend, the hiring manager feels threatened by a candidate, and lastly, there exists a bias against the candidate. Other factors that may also play into the decision-making process could be; the candidate's enthusiasm or lack there of during the interview process, lack of commitment, over-confident during the interview process, possibly stumbled at the gate not top of his/her game the day of the big interview. Lastly, the candidate may not fit the corporate culture. Whatever the reason, it is okay, not to get the job. The competition is fierce out there. The war for talent still exists in many functional areas and industry sectors. Getting the job you feel you are qualified for may not be enough. Oh by the way, as I have come to learn over the last 25 years, the best candidate seems to be a relative term.

But seriously, it is okay not to win. It almost always hurts and can lead to disappointment. But try not to let such emotions as anger or the feeling of being hurt stop you from moving forward. Obviously talent played a role of being chosen to compete among the many successful results driven competitors. Don't be bummed out! Learn from it!  Pick yourself up, shrug it off and move on! Winners do just that. Remember talent is something that has been earned and cannot ever be taken away! The winner almost always goes to the one who performed the best on a certain day.

Lastly, as I see it, all candidates who are part of the candidate pipeline are all winners. For those being offered face to face interviews, my advice is to be prepared. Be ready to confidently communicate your qualifications, skills, talents and successes. It is important to present yourself truthfully—your personality and values, both of which will ultimately will win you a spot with a company which appreciates your talents and a place where you can be yourself. Never give up!

Whether you are labeled as the favorite or underdog going into the race, remember this, the favorite doesn't always win the race. The most qualified does not always get the job. None the less, go for it!!! Give it your all. You could come out the winner!

Just saying................

Sheila Greco


Are you ready to hire your next top performer? Don't Ignore Personal Qualities

  iStock_000027630618SmallSuccessful hires go beyond just looking for specific qualifications.

As you look to hire your next top performer, don't ignore their qualities.

It makes sense to hire those who share the same qualities as you and your team's top performers.

You obviously took the time to create a job specification, the needs, the wants and the desires. But just as important a leader needs to review, examine and understand the qualities of his/her own team's top performers. As the list of qualities is created, it will become obvious the type of person you should be looking to hire. Taking the time to do this, does pay off as you look to hire your next top performer.

Generally speaking there are many qualities that make someone successful to include confidence, integrity, hardworking, knowledgeable, decisive, focused, positive attitude, strong communicator, team player,  the desire to learn, listen, results driven, loyal, organized among other qualities. Again, only you know which qualities you desire and will work for you and your team. So take the time to look at your team, select the qualities of your top performers and as you look to hire your next top performer, be sure to look for qualities that fit your team.

Additionally, as you interview don't ignore the values of the team, you and of course your company. Good luck and remember as you hire your next top performer once they have accepted be sure to provide them with what they need to succeed.


Happy hunting.

Sheila Greco


Using Corporate Emails To Recruit Today Is Like Using The Telephone To Recruit 25 Years Ago

Sheila Img

Recruiting with corporate emails produces results!

I know because I exploit this technique.





Using corporate emails as a way to connect and recruit passive candidates allows the recruiter to create awareness regarding potential opportunities to these highly desired professionals. It presents opportunities directly to the passive candidate talent pool allowing them to act or not. If this technique is ignored, these professionals may never have access to these opportunities or be plugged-in to them. In other words, it could be seen as a missed opportunity for the passive candidate. Using corporate emails to recruit has many benefits for both the recruiter and potential candidates.

Such a technique builds relationships. It is subtle, a non-threatening great way to network and recruit. I have discovered that this technique gets responses 2:1 compared to other recruiting techniques. Although not every response is a yes, let’s chat, but it is a response none the less. This helps create efficiency too by not keep me hanging and continuing my recruiting efforts with those who are not interested. It not only closes the loop for me with regards to recruiting, it also acts as the beginning of a relationship, whereby each party can potentially benefit.  These people now know me, our company, the types of roles we recruit for and they now have access to a recruiter who finds them valuable, talented and someone who can be a great resource.

As we all know, recruiting is all about networking and building relationships. So why not use techniques that can be built upon. Such efforts will assist us long-term with our recruiting successes and lasting meaningful relationships.

Now do you see why I believe in the importance of using corporate emails to recruit? It is actually my preferred way of recruiting.  This method also increases recruiting efficiency and speed. So when you proactively recruit, may I suggest you use corporate emails to connect and network with professionals of interest.

Lastly let me share with you a few recruiting tips........

Sheila's Top 4 Recruiting Tips Needed To Recruit Mission Critical Talent

1. First create the potential talent pool to recruit from. May I suggest building organization charts around those professionals of interest as a great starting point. Long term it is proven that this creates recruiting efficiency. It also provides access to the professionals who the hiring manager desires and come from companies that have produced the best talent for the client. For this you will need a telephone, the internet, access to social media and any other type of resources which have successfully helped you with uncovering talent.

2. Look into your ATS and databases for potential candidates and networking contacts. Add these professionals to the potential talent pool contacts to create the recruiting list. Step 1 and 2 act as the foundation of every search. Not one of these steps should be ignored.

3. Begin reaching out via corporate emails, direct dials, corporate telephone numbers, cell phones, and in mails. Never limit the number of ways to connect with these professionals. If you do, you wasted your previous efforts of finding these folks.

4. Don't stop recruiting until you have 5-7 solid candidates. It is always easier to keep the momentum going versus starting and stopping. Although your efforts may slow down, don't stop!

Lastly let me leave you with this, using corporate emails to recruit is a proven recruiting technique. It provides results needed to successfully, efficiently, and cost effectively recruit mission critical talent.

I wish all of you the best of luck in hunting for your next hire!

Sheila Greco

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn  or directly. I look forward to it;



SGA Talent - Sheila Greco Associates - Relationships Matter.....


SGA Talent - Sheila Greco Associates is celebrating 25 years this year. Part of the celebration includes sharing this milestone with current and future clients by hosting events across the United States. The first one was held in New York City in April, which of course was a great success. But it was also confirmation that creating and maintaining relationships matter. If you think about it, relationships are the building blocks of what we do, who we are and our successes.

Why? Because the relationships we have with our coworkers, business partners, and our business communities are the means for achieving our personal and team goals. We can agree that we certainly do not work in isolation: but work together, with others! All the more reasons to have strong meaningful relationships. Often times,   successes can be traced back to the relationships that have been created and with  individuals who have come to trust, support and respect each other.

So once again, relationships in our lives do matter. Relationships move us forward. Imagine a wheel in which you may be a hub or at the center and each spoke serves a relationship with another person. These relationships hold the wheel together which in turn helps move the wheel along. These spokes of relationships continue to move us, causing each of us to achieve many goals.

In our case, as with many successful businesses, relationships matter. Hats off to our team who have built and continue to build so many great relationships with our trusted clients. It helped us grow in a variety of ways because our clients continue to use us, refer and depend on us. As the relationships continue to build, grow and unfold, we need to be reminded that they need to be approached with integrity.

Relationships do take time and effort, but can be well worth it. It is always better to create relationships before there is a need so to speak. However, many long-term relationships started when there was a need. Often times this happens in business and relationships blossom as time goes on. Therefore it is now the time to thank all who have worked with us and continue to work with us. Your relationship with us matters!

Our recent event in New York was an example of how relationships matter. Although just 3 hours, the relationships that we either being sustained, created or enhanced were all meaningful ones. Personally it was an honor for me to be part of a group of very smart, high achieving, results driven, senior level talent acquisition and hiring managers. The many conversations were not just limited to general recruiting industry trends, but more about an individual's successes, challenges and goals. Truly, an open and casual networking session. It was incredible.

Once again, relationships do matter. I know because it has helped us reach our 25 year milestone. My relationships with all our clients matters to me! As Harry S. Truman said, "It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit." To this I salute both the SGA team and our clients. Thank you!

Video Clip of New York Event

Testimonial Page

Take it from me, Sheila Greco, relationships matter..... Sheila Img