Why Companies Outsource Research And Recruiting Services


Recruiting World Class Talent Requires Time, Talent Intelligence and Continuous Contact With Passive, Qualified Talent

Should these services be outsourced entirely or selectively? What makes the most sense for your company?




When deciding to outsource research and recruiting services, many organizations start with the same question: Which activities should be outsourced, and which are we capable of doing in-house? Today with hiring on the rise and the war for talent at an all time high, many companies are being faced with the many challenges of meeting hiring and recruiting demands. Therefore the decision to turn to outsourcing research and recruiting services as a solution is under consideration and being reviewed as an option.

It can be agreed that the decision to outsource or not is never an easy one. The good news is that in our industry, the decision to outsource research and recruiting services is not an all or nothing decision. Outsourcing these services can be undertaken to varying degrees. Outsourcing research and recruiting services can range from total outsourcing to selective outsourcing. Whereby selective outsourcing may only target a single task or a few. Ultimately the choice to outsource is due to the fact that the company believes the decision will result in gains in profitability and efficiency.

After discussing this topic with 25 talent acquisition leaders, human resources professionals and C-level individuals, I discovered there are 5 main business drivers that motivates a company's decision to outsource research & recruiting services.

Cost Savings - When companies outsource research and recruiting services they typically do so with partners that specialize in specific areas such as research, mapping, sourcing, and recruiting. This decision is based upon the reasoning that these functions can be performed more efficiently than the company, or simply by virtue of transaction volume. As for some of the larger companies and those companies with strong internal executive search teams, the cost of outsourcing outweighs the cost of hiring a new employee. 

The ability to exploit a flexible work force often allowing for scalability.  As we have come to learn, hiring needs can change weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly.  These fluctuations in hiring demands can be very challenging for a company's existing staff and by outsourcing research and/or recruiting services on an as needed basis simply makes sense.

Access to a broad yet targeted potential talent pipeline of world-class talent. We are now in a time where recruiting world-class talent is very competitive and requires access to a broad yet targeted potential pipeline of world-class talent. By outsourcing, a company's recruiting efforts may not be just limited to internal databases, social networks, LinkedIn and employee referrals. The additional outside resources can provide a larger reach, providing talent intelligence in turn increasing a potential talent pool.

Expertise and Competitive Advantage. As for small companies, or those not having  the same recruiting capabilities as larger companies, outsourcing research and recruiting to experts simply allows these companies to compete for the same talent. It can put these companies on an even playing field in their search for world-class talent.

Accountability outsourcing is predicated on the understanding, shared by company and partner alike, that such arrangements require quality service in exchange for payment. To some degree it is a given that by paying for research and recruiting services creates the expectation of performance. In our industry we often hear, "time is of the essence; when can I expect to get candidates; when can I expect to get research?……." When these services are outsourced, there is little wiggle room for mediocrity, inefficiencies and non-performance. Greatness and results are expected.

The decision to outsource any service is a major strategic one for most companies, since it involves weighing the potential cost savings, efficiency, and to some against the consequences of a loss in control. However, unlike outsourcing other services outside of research and recruiting services, the client is still in control of the process and cost. Furthermore, understanding there are other research and recruiting services providers out there, the chosen outsourced partner is expected to produce. If the results are not realized, the process is not efficient and cost savings is not present, the client has the option to go to another service provider. So if you are a service provider of these services it is important to over deliver and do it cost effectively. Just saying…..


Sheila Greco




Results & Customer Driven Teams Along With Loyal Clients Are The Foundation Of SGA Talent's Success


Thank you SGA Talent Teams, You All Rock!

Thank you loyal and returning clients, You All Rock!

Here is to the next 25 years!


I just want to say that I truly believe that our teams and clients just as they were 25 years ago continue to be SGA Talent's greatest assets. Thank you all. You are the foundation of our success!

The strong loyalty of both cannot be duplicated, here is to another 25! As we make our way into the 4th quarter of 2014, I would personally like to say thanks to all who have made the first 25 years of Sheila Greco Associates LLC - SGA Talent a successful one.

Looking back it has been an interesting great journey. SGA Talent started as a research house offering mapping/research mainly to search firms. At the request of our clients we entered into the recruiting/pipeline generation business. Shortly thereafter, we made a logical decision to enter into the business of customized competitive intelligence/business intelligence and in 2005 we launched SGA ExecutiveTracker. Throughout our history, SGA Talent has undergone many changes, and continues to evolve, but one thing is for certain, we understand the importance of delivering results driven services that help our clients succeed and keep them coming back.

As Mahatma Gandhi quoted, "A customer is the most important visitor on our premises, he is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so." All so true.

As the close of 2014 decends upon us, let me say,  thank you to our loyal clients and we are looking forward to welcoming the new ones. It is all about the team and accomplishing the goals together.

As we have done in the past, lets continue to do it in the future; learn from each communicate, deliver, and understand the true meaning of the word partnership. In our world where time is of the essence, supeior results are expected and being cost conscious is the norm lets walk along side each other and continue to be succcessful as a team.



Interesting Side Notes…Winning in the marketplace requires winning in the workplace

It's all about winning in the workplace!

Happy employees make a difference to a company's overall success.

I believe that a company’s carefully-maintained employee-first culture can and does positively effect its bottom line.


Business Talks Winning in the marketplace is certainly the main focus of any company. But just as important is the company's ability to take care of business in the company's workplace. Yes, to me, it is all about winning in the workplace that drives the company's success. I cannot stress enough, the fact, that people are a company's greatest asset.

Creating a quality and winning workplace filled with content and high-flying team players does make a difference. I recently came across a quote from Doug Conant, ex CEO Campbell Soup which stated, " To win in the marketplace you must first win in the workplace." To me, this says it all. As a business owner of a small company I know the importance of having happy people in our workplace and how it has played and continues to play in our overall success.

As I look to maintain and build upon a winning workplace, the following are a few of our company's "must haves"  to ensure we are winning in the workplace. Please note that they are not in any specific order.

1. Offer competitive salary with the opportunity to earn more based upon individual and team successes.

2. Have in place an environment that offers a challenge to each team, holding each accountable while offering a real sense of ownership to completed projects.

3. Make available necessary tools that will assist with the each team player's successes.  I believe there needs to be relevant tools and proven processes in place to empower each employee.

4. There also must exist the opportunity for career advancement, creativity and it is okay to fail while trying something new environment.

5. Hire those who will make the team stronger. I have also learned that creating a winning workplace environment requires the need to ensure every new hire is a great one. Again, looking to maintain and enhance the all ready great colleague type of environment.

6. As a leader it is important to keep morale high, create that positive and winning workplace that will keep turnover to a minimum. It also means promoting, hiring and training leaders others want to work for.

7. Always promote the concept that the customer is always right attitude. It starts at the top and should be part of the corporate culture.

What do you believe is important to winning in the workplace?


Sheila Greco


SGA Talent - Sheila Greco Associates - Relationships Matter.....


SGA Talent - Sheila Greco Associates is celebrating 25 years this year. Part of the celebration includes sharing this milestone with current and future clients by hosting events across the United States. The first one was held in New York City in April, which of course was a great success. But it was also confirmation that creating and maintaining relationships matter. If you think about it, relationships are the building blocks of what we do, who we are and our successes.

Why? Because the relationships we have with our coworkers, business partners, and our business communities are the means for achieving our personal and team goals. We can agree that we certainly do not work in isolation: but work together, with others! All the more reasons to have strong meaningful relationships. Often times,   successes can be traced back to the relationships that have been created and with  individuals who have come to trust, support and respect each other.

So once again, relationships in our lives do matter. Relationships move us forward. Imagine a wheel in which you may be a hub or at the center and each spoke serves a relationship with another person. These relationships hold the wheel together which in turn helps move the wheel along. These spokes of relationships continue to move us, causing each of us to achieve many goals.

In our case, as with many successful businesses, relationships matter. Hats off to our team who have built and continue to build so many great relationships with our trusted clients. It helped us grow in a variety of ways because our clients continue to use us, refer and depend on us. As the relationships continue to build, grow and unfold, we need to be reminded that they need to be approached with integrity.

Relationships do take time and effort, but can be well worth it. It is always better to create relationships before there is a need so to speak. However, many long-term relationships started when there was a need. Often times this happens in business and relationships blossom as time goes on. Therefore it is now the time to thank all who have worked with us and continue to work with us. Your relationship with us matters!

Our recent event in New York was an example of how relationships matter. Although just 3 hours, the relationships that we either being sustained, created or enhanced were all meaningful ones. Personally it was an honor for me to be part of a group of very smart, high achieving, results driven, senior level talent acquisition and hiring managers. The many conversations were not just limited to general recruiting industry trends, but more about an individual's successes, challenges and goals. Truly, an open and casual networking session. It was incredible.

Once again, relationships do matter. I know because it has helped us reach our 25 year milestone. My relationships with all our clients matters to me! As Harry S. Truman said, "It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit." To this I salute both the SGA team and our clients. Thank you!

Video Clip of New York Event

Testimonial Page

Take it from me, Sheila Greco, relationships matter..... Sheila Img


A Tribute To The Beatles Introduced February 9, 1964

The BeatlesMusic is heard in the halls of SGA Talent daily!

Today a Big Tribute to The Beatles...


February 9, 1964 Ed Sullivan introduces The Beatles. Decades later their memories live on! No one can deny that fact that they became an international phenomenon overnight. Releasing 13 original albums in only 7 years is unbelievable. I don't think any other rock band has even come close to this. This very talented group changed the music world profoundly. Many years later their songs continue to be played over and over again. Will there ever be another band like The Beatles? Probably not!

Below I have listed a few of my favorite Beatles songs.

Enjoy and feel free to click-through to their lyrics and the songs themselves. Thank you John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr....thank you!

A Hard Days Night  Video & Song

Help!  Video & Song

Hey Jude

Let It Be Video & Song 

Lucy in The Sky With Diamonds  Song and interesting Video and of course my hero Elton John's version in 1974 on the Cher show.

Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

Strawberry Fields Forever

Their songs are timeless and incomparable.

Now on with the show, as Ed Sullivan would say. Second time on the show live video.

Time to get back to recruiting talent.

Happy Hunting.

Sheila Greco