Providing Candidate Feedback Should Be A No Brainer

  Costa frog



Providing candidate feedback is a no brainer

As we know recruiting is a process. One in which is nonstop until the hire is made. This is a no brainer. But sometimes we forget about the candidates. Those who spent time speaking with us, updating their resumes, speaking with our clients, going on an interview and sometimes not. As recruiters we need to remember candidates are people who deserve feedback. Providing candidate feedback during the process and at the end of the search should be a no brainer.

When recruiters are handling multiple assignments getting back to candidates may not be easy or a priority. The challenge to simply provide candidate feedback has changed as a result of our fast-paced, 21st century recruiting activities. But that doesn’t mean we can’t care for the candidates. Candidate feedback not to mention providing a positive candidate experience should be a no brainer.

I truly understand how candidate feedback can easily get lost during the recruiting process. However, if you focus on this activity as part of the recruiting process, providing candidate feedback can be accomplished. Keeping this in mind, consider how you can change this.

1. Take the call - don't ignore a candidate's call or email. Provide candidate feedback during the course of the recruiting life-cycle.

2. Make the call - set aside time either in the morning or late afternoon to do so. Make it part of your day and recruiting process.

3. Stay connected - make them part of your network.

Simply put, we need to appreciate our candidates.

Just saying…

Sheila Greco




Tips For Hiring Your Next Employee

Sheila Img  

The importance of defining who the hiring manager really wants

Be sure all involved with hiring are on the same page as you prepare for hiring your next employee, the superstar


Hiring your next employee and champion is important to the team's and company's future successes. Be sure to define who that person is so that he/she can make a positive impact immediately or as quickly as possible. To keep the recruiting process efficient, below are a few tips for hiring your next employee and superstar.

1. Define the role. Creating a well defined, well thought out job specification certainly helps with recruiting the ideal candidate. Be sure the hiring manager is involved with this step.

2. Define the type of individual the hiring manager is ideally looking for. Include such things as educational background, number of years experience, should the person be analytical, strategic, and/or big picture focused? Be sure the definition is not just limited to qualifications, but personal qualities and traits as well.

3. Define the individual's role on the team, beyond what is written. Be sure it is discovered the type of individual the hiring manager is really looking for. Be sure to define the role that this new team member will be tasked with. For instance, is the hiring manager looking for someone to clean house or build? Is the hiring manager interested in someone who can take over his/her role in a few years, or just someone who can simply join the team and add "value" to an all ready super team? Try to understand why someone succeeds and fails under this hiring manager. This too will help define and lead to a successful hire.

Hiring the next supestar is not always easy. It needs to be defined as to who best fits the definition of the hiring manager's next superstar. Hiring a professional goes beyond qualifications and qualities. Be sure to understand the type of individual the hiring manager really wants and why this type of individual will prove to be an immediate positive impact player. Before the search gets underway, be sure to be real with expectations, be ready to go out and search for the ideal candidate as defined, be patient yet understand that time is always of the essence when seeking out the company's next successful hire.

What tips do you have to share with us as you prepare for hiring your next employee?


Happy hunting.

Sheila Greco





What is Trending in Recruiting?

What is Trending In Recruiting?



The latest game changers in recruiting are Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and many will say these resources or as I call them tools have revolutionized recruiting! So what lies ahead? "What Is Trending In Recruiting?"  It may only be for the moment, the day, the month and may or may not make the list next time.

Years ago there were limited options when it came to recruiting talent. Today there are many choices and resources so try to make it a point to explore the different choices and choose the ones that best fit our needs.

So, what is Trending  in Recruiting now?  Yes literally right now? Because Times They are a-Changin. Click on it, Bob Dylan's YouTube Song....

So what Is Trending In Recruiting?

1. Corporate internal recruiting functions are growing.  These teams are often led by seasoned, ex-Executive Search professionals.  Year over year these teams are becoming more sophisticated, efficient and cost-effective.

2. Executive Search firms are experiencing a year-on-year fall in revenues of a -6% from Q2 2011 to Q2 2012, the quarter-on-quarter data highlighted an upward trend (+8.6%) for the first time since June last year.

3.  Recruiting from the competition is stronger than everStealth research is needed to do this.  Many agree that although social networks have proven to be great resources, a limitation is their ability to show a complete picture of the potential talent pool without further investigation. Traditional research is mostly used for this method of identifying the players at the competition.

4. Passive Candidates Only Need Apply! Still rearing its ugly head.

5. Transactional recruiting is on the rise. Can hires honestly be made without the human touch?

6.  Debates over the effectiveness of social networking recruiting continues and how ROI can be measured for such resources. LinkedIn is very very effective but the jury is still out with regards to Twitter and Facebook.

7. Not sure if the current corporate recruiting process can handle the upcoming demand.

8. The use of social media as part of the recruiting process will continue to be a trend for some time.   Recruiters and hiring managers use these tools for recruiting, researching, networking and verifying.

9. Too much data! Too many tools! When the demand for talent heats up will some of the social media tools survive? Ask yourself do the use of these tools actually help a lot, so-so or very little. Rate them now!

What are the trends you are seeing? We would be very interested.

Happy Hunting!

Sheila Greco


Calling, emailing, texting potential candidates

What came first the chicken or the egg! We know calling came first….but as a recruiter what do you do first? Call or email?? I prefer to email then call. How about you? But I must say finding emails and email formulas can be sometimes challenging. AND email formulas do not always work, but can be worth the try. Recruiters do agree that by using both emails and calling potential candidates as part of the recruiting process can and does result in a winning solution.

If you are looking for email formulas (again sometimes they work and sometimes they don't, but worth the try!).... search SGA ExecutiveTracker for free!!!!

It’s a little-known fact that searching for email formulas on SGA ExecutiveTracker is entirely free! (S(5efiz545c10b2abij1eqh545))/UserLogin.aspx

If you see a company we don't have a formula for and you do, please forward it on to us and we will test it and post it when it works!!! Call me or email me privately if you wish at 518 843-4611 ext 221 or sgreco@sheila

So do you like to call first or email first. Love to learn about what you do and why!!!