Are You A Fully Engaged Recruiter?

Not All Recruiters Are Fully Engaged Recruiters

Fully Engaged Recruiters Tend to Be Door Openers To Passive Candidates & The "Welcome Mat" For The Active Ones

Fully Engaged Recruiters Know The Importance Of Utilizing As Many Recruiting Solutions As Possible While Keeping Their Recruiting Efforts Continuous


Recruiting is not an easy task. It is a recruitment process that requires hard work, dedication, commitment, integrity, honesty and having the ability to be a great networker. Fully engaged recruiters will win the war for talent in 2016. Fully engaged recruiters are ready and willing to do whatever it takes to identify, recruit, vet and present the best possible candidates for each and every role.

Fully engaged recruiters are creative, out of box thinkers, producers and results driven. Fully engaged recruiters in 2016 will be expected to identify the potential talent pool of candidates (or partner with someone who does), use a number of recruiting solutions that include connecting via the telephone, in-mail, corporate email and send an invitation to connect on LinkedIn. All 4 connecting vehicles will need to be used to be successful in 2016. Fully engaged recruiters, sometimes referred to as "stalkers" have a job to do and that is to get to  the passive pool of candidates before the competition does.

Game On! Be sure to be the fully engaged recruiter now!












Please take a look at my recent Retrain Your Recruiting Brain presentation regarding "Retrain Your Recruiting Brain" where I touch upon the importance of being a proactive, fully engaged recruiter. I am presenting all across the country so if you wish to learn more I would be happy to discuss this with you. Now go get the candidates before the competition does……..

Happy Hunting!

Sheila Greco

Why Companies Outsource Research And Recruiting Services


Recruiting World Class Talent Requires Time, Talent Intelligence and Continuous Contact With Passive, Qualified Talent

Should these services be outsourced entirely or selectively? What makes the most sense for your company?




When deciding to outsource research and recruiting services, many organizations start with the same question: Which activities should be outsourced, and which are we capable of doing in-house? Today with hiring on the rise and the war for talent at an all time high, many companies are being faced with the many challenges of meeting hiring and recruiting demands. Therefore the decision to turn to outsourcing research and recruiting services as a solution is under consideration and being reviewed as an option.

It can be agreed that the decision to outsource or not is never an easy one. The good news is that in our industry, the decision to outsource research and recruiting services is not an all or nothing decision. Outsourcing these services can be undertaken to varying degrees. Outsourcing research and recruiting services can range from total outsourcing to selective outsourcing. Whereby selective outsourcing may only target a single task or a few. Ultimately the choice to outsource is due to the fact that the company believes the decision will result in gains in profitability and efficiency.

After discussing this topic with 25 talent acquisition leaders, human resources professionals and C-level individuals, I discovered there are 5 main business drivers that motivates a company's decision to outsource research & recruiting services.

Cost Savings - When companies outsource research and recruiting services they typically do so with partners that specialize in specific areas such as research, mapping, sourcing, and recruiting. This decision is based upon the reasoning that these functions can be performed more efficiently than the company, or simply by virtue of transaction volume. As for some of the larger companies and those companies with strong internal executive search teams, the cost of outsourcing outweighs the cost of hiring a new employee. 

The ability to exploit a flexible work force often allowing for scalability.  As we have come to learn, hiring needs can change weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly.  These fluctuations in hiring demands can be very challenging for a company's existing staff and by outsourcing research and/or recruiting services on an as needed basis simply makes sense.

Access to a broad yet targeted potential talent pipeline of world-class talent. We are now in a time where recruiting world-class talent is very competitive and requires access to a broad yet targeted potential pipeline of world-class talent. By outsourcing, a company's recruiting efforts may not be just limited to internal databases, social networks, LinkedIn and employee referrals. The additional outside resources can provide a larger reach, providing talent intelligence in turn increasing a potential talent pool.

Expertise and Competitive Advantage. As for small companies, or those not having  the same recruiting capabilities as larger companies, outsourcing research and recruiting to experts simply allows these companies to compete for the same talent. It can put these companies on an even playing field in their search for world-class talent.

Accountability outsourcing is predicated on the understanding, shared by company and partner alike, that such arrangements require quality service in exchange for payment. To some degree it is a given that by paying for research and recruiting services creates the expectation of performance. In our industry we often hear, "time is of the essence; when can I expect to get candidates; when can I expect to get research?……." When these services are outsourced, there is little wiggle room for mediocrity, inefficiencies and non-performance. Greatness and results are expected.

The decision to outsource any service is a major strategic one for most companies, since it involves weighing the potential cost savings, efficiency, and to some against the consequences of a loss in control. However, unlike outsourcing other services outside of research and recruiting services, the client is still in control of the process and cost. Furthermore, understanding there are other research and recruiting services providers out there, the chosen outsourced partner is expected to produce. If the results are not realized, the process is not efficient and cost savings is not present, the client has the option to go to another service provider. So if you are a service provider of these services it is important to over deliver and do it cost effectively. Just saying…..


Sheila Greco



Role Of A Recruiter. Are You Really A Recruiter Or Just Playing One On TV?

You know you are a recruiter when you...





1. Recruit- Not a recruiter that limits their efforts to just posting, tweeting,  and just taking whomever comes along. Real recruiters naturally and actively seek out the talent required.

2. Network- Speak to all who can help you connect with the best of breed talent. Continues to keep the networks they developed active. Networking work both ways! Always return calls and emails.

3. You become the expert - Regarding the position, the company, the hiring manager's needs and wants.

4. Really know the talent you recruited - Of course you need to know the background of the candidates, but you also need to know what make them "tick", gets them excited, what their long and short-term goals may be, and of course WHO they really are to include what they do in their spare time.

5. Only present on target candidates that fulfill the needs of the hiring managers and  are a match with the company's corporate culture. 

6. Have a sense of urgency- Feel everything needs to be done today! Nothing can wait until tomorrow. Do it now!

7. Organized- Being organized helps with effectiveness and efficiency.

8. Understand recruiting is a process - Willing to do what is expected during the recruiting cycle.

9. Overcommunicate - Follow through with the candidates that make the cut and those who do not. Always be available for the clients and candidates.

10. Always  ready to do #1.

There are many recruiters out there. There are many people who think they are recruiters and fewer great recruiters. If you are passionate about recruiting you can certainly be a successful one if you really care. Know the role of a recruiter before you take on the challenge.

Thanks for stopping by!

Sheila Greco

Sheila Greco Associates LLC, your research and recruiting resource! We look forward to hearing from you!



World Class Recruiting

Recruiting Top Talent and Creating World Class Recruiting Organizations Were The Common Threads in SMA's Event This Year.

The day began early as usual, with a gracious opening from Chloe Rada.  The day went by quickly as the speaker line up had many top-notch Industry Thought Leaders, Talent Acquisition & Sourcing Experts.  The Keynote was Andres Tapia, who provided us with compelling insights and practical information on why recruiting and retaining diverse talent is a business imperative for any organization.  Among the speakers, as always a crowd favorite Gerry Crispin who was a great moderator with a five star panel of experts such as Annie Chae, Chris Gould and Tito Magobet.  This session proved to be very informative.  Each speaking openly about their background's,  experiences and shared with us a few of their successes. I am sure everyone learned something from this session.

What a great day for LinkedIn!  The company went public, how exciting for many. Another great panel joined Kevin Krantz, Enterprise Relationship Manager, LinkedIn and discussed the many uses of LinkedIn as a tool for recruiters.  The panel consisted of Suzi Edwards, Diane Hughes and Michele Portfilio.  The day ended with a session on Recruiting Metrics, nicely presented by Steve Lowisz.

This powerful professional community was warm, and friendly, often sharing their own experiences with each other during  sessions, in private and during the event's breaks.  The evening cocktail party  sponsored by us, Sheila Greco Associates was very joyous one.  The room was filled with laughter, buzz around the topics discussed and it was quite obvious people really enjoyed being there and with each other.  This Chicago SHRM is one of a kind we really enjoyed it since it gave us a chance to reconnect with clients, friends, and develop new relationships with future clients.

Again we want to thank Michele and Chloe for giving us the opportunity to be part of this event.  We were a proud sponsor and look  forward to being part of this community.

If you work in Human Resources, Recruiting, Talent Acquisition, and/or Executive Search in the Chicago area you need to be part of the SMA of Greater Chicago organization.






Telephone Sourcing Tip of the Day

Only 1 out of 2 people tell you what you need!

Telephone Sourcing

Fresh Passive Candidates for your next searchLooking for someone specific? The perfect title? Just pick up the telephone and with a positive attitude as best you can on the telephone, ask for the leader of the team and to be connected to that person. When you get there, ask for the team members. If they give you the names, don't stop asking.If they don't try again another way. Our experience shows that 1 out of 2 people talk. Good luck and happy hunting!!!