Stay Ahead Of The Rising Demand For Talent

Stay Ahead Of The Rising Demand For Talent

Be Ready To Make The Hire When The Right Talent Is Presented

Don't Let Talent Slip Away

recruiting Needs To Be continuous

Keep networking. Keep the process moving forward.


People on the Move


We read it, hear about it and of course live it…. the war for talent is on. We are at the point where companies need to make hiring decisions fast and or faster than they have been accustomed to in order to compete for talent. Companies need to be in a position to make quick hiring decisions while making sure the hiring decisions are smart ones. The unfortunate part for those who act slowly, can result in watching the world-class talent  slip away go to the competition or simply become unengaged.

Hiring should not be stressful, or minimized by busy hiring leaders. Unfortunately sometimes hiring may take a back seat due to busy schedules, business obligations, the need to meet business goals and objectives. But none-the-less, as of late, we are seeing many hiring managers becoming fully engaged. When they are, the process couldn't be better.

We all recognize that recruiting is not just about the recruiting process or recruiting strategy but really about hiring the right talent that will help position a company to compete and achieve positive results. Therefore when a search for a new employee is launched, it needs to be the focus of all involved. Otherwise it may result in an unsuccessful pursuit or loss of world-class talent.

Good luck to all.

Sheila Greco

Tips For Hiring Your Next Employee

Sheila Img  

The importance of defining who the hiring manager really wants

Be sure all involved with hiring are on the same page as you prepare for hiring your next employee, the superstar


Hiring your next employee and champion is important to the team's and company's future successes. Be sure to define who that person is so that he/she can make a positive impact immediately or as quickly as possible. To keep the recruiting process efficient, below are a few tips for hiring your next employee and superstar.

1. Define the role. Creating a well defined, well thought out job specification certainly helps with recruiting the ideal candidate. Be sure the hiring manager is involved with this step.

2. Define the type of individual the hiring manager is ideally looking for. Include such things as educational background, number of years experience, should the person be analytical, strategic, and/or big picture focused? Be sure the definition is not just limited to qualifications, but personal qualities and traits as well.

3. Define the individual's role on the team, beyond what is written. Be sure it is discovered the type of individual the hiring manager is really looking for. Be sure to define the role that this new team member will be tasked with. For instance, is the hiring manager looking for someone to clean house or build? Is the hiring manager interested in someone who can take over his/her role in a few years, or just someone who can simply join the team and add "value" to an all ready super team? Try to understand why someone succeeds and fails under this hiring manager. This too will help define and lead to a successful hire.

Hiring the next supestar is not always easy. It needs to be defined as to who best fits the definition of the hiring manager's next superstar. Hiring a professional goes beyond qualifications and qualities. Be sure to understand the type of individual the hiring manager really wants and why this type of individual will prove to be an immediate positive impact player. Before the search gets underway, be sure to be real with expectations, be ready to go out and search for the ideal candidate as defined, be patient yet understand that time is always of the essence when seeking out the company's next successful hire.

What tips do you have to share with us as you prepare for hiring your next employee?


Happy hunting.

Sheila Greco





Making Smart Recruiting Decisions - There is Great, There is Better ....

There is Great!

There is Better!

You only know you recruited the best when you know the potential talent pool. When you are in the know, it will assist with making smart recruiting decisions.


Making smart recruiting decisions can make or break the team, the company, market share, competitiveness  and much more.  Whether a company is recruiting a college graduate, experienced professional or senior level executive, each hiring decision needs to be a smart one.


When a company talks about branding they need to take into consideration that their people are their brand.  So as a company recruits talent,  it is imperative that they bring in the right talent, each and every time.   This means you need to know who is out there. You need to find greatness!

Yes, many will argue there is vast number of great people. Alexander the Great is a perfect example of that, however, would he really be the best fit for the particular job you are recruiting for? You don't know until you compare him to the others, based upon your company's requirements and needs.

Making smart recruiting decisions depends on knowing who makes up the entire talent pool.  Recruiters need to know who these people are. As I always say, you need to know where you are hunting for these professionals. This means taking 10-15 minutes to determine where you want these professionals to come from. Many companies do this for college graduates by recruiting from particular schools carefully chosen by the company.  This should hold true for companies as well.

So how do you know you have uncovered greatness? Or there may be someone else out there who is better than your top candidate? You don't unless you have  accurately mapped out each company and people of interest in the specific group. Once this is complete determining greatness is easier and making smart recruiting decisions can be done.

How do you do this? You recruit, network and build a pipeline from the potential talent pool and compare and contrast  these professionals that you believe are on target. Then I suggest scrubbing the list again and choose the best of the best who closely  match the job specification, company culture, needs, wants and desires of the hiring manager.  How? Begin with their background.  What makes them so great? How does he/she compare to the others in the talent pool?  Does this person deserve merit as an individual contributor, team player, leader or all three? If managing a team, is he/she  great at assembling a successful team and a great leader or is it  a combination of both?  Recruiters and hiring managers need to be in the know. Making smart recruiting decisions requires information,  that can be obtained by mapping out the desired companies of interest. Remember the list will grow as you recruit purely by networking. When this happens it further confirms that the recruiter is in the right space. So recruiters know your targets, know your potential hires know who you are looking for and take the time to know the pool and the talent within it.

Let me repeat if I may. In order to obtain your next “Alexander the Great” you need to know where he is hiding and the talent pool he is competing amongst.  Great talent is out there, so is the better talent, be sure your recruiting decisions are based upon information.  Recruiting is a process and a major part of the process is knowing who to recruit and having access to the right talent. Not just talent.

Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to speaking with you and your comments on this topic.

Sheila Greco


Building Relationships help with recruiting!

Sheila Builds Relationships


It doesn't Matter Where I Go or What I do.......
I love the art of conversation and building relationships.
I enjoy getting to know people and who they really are!


As a recruiter and Monster networker, as I was most recently referred to as being, I believe every conversation counts.  Why? The reason is that at any time I could be recruiting for my company or for a client.  I also don't want to forget about others who may be looking for talent tomorrow and will be calling me to ask me who I know. It is beneficial on multiple levels to build long-lasting relationships and it’s also my personality to try to help people.   I can’t help it - it's just my nature! Should this be yours? Many of my conversations have deeper meaning and yours should too.

Like some professionals who are trained to understand who we are or profile us, I am trained to match people with companies and people with people.  How do I do this?  I have achieved this through conversations.   I get to know the person.  I ask lots of questions about who they are, who they want to be, what they like to do, and try to stay clear of who they think they are. Sometimes this is not so easy.

I believe that conversations and engaging people can lead to many recruiting successes. Whether these conversations take place on the golf course, dinner, event, or any type of face to face social interaction, you never know it could be a great time to put on your recruiting hat and if you are looking to further you career, it could help you get the job you are looking for. For me, the truth of the matter is that once people know I am a recruiter, many, almost always will start off the conversation with, "how is the recruiting business?"  Many of these conversations center around the job market, the people themselves, how they may be able to better themselves, position themselves for the future and many other topics that relate to their careers.  Will these conversation turn to a recruiting one? Maybe yes - Maybe No. At a minimum it is a networking conversation. In order for it to be a good one for all, you need to listen and engage. 

 Building Relationships help with recruiting! Remember it is not what you know, but who you know! The continuous effort to network and network with the right people can always be a benefit. Don't be afraid to network....Don't be afraid to start a conversation.  Don't be afraid to ask questions.  Just do it!

Let's not let recruiting or networking ever get in the way of having fun, developing friendships or making it an obnoxious passion.... you must know the art of networking and conversation. You will know when the time is right...

Just thought you would like to know...

Thanks for stopping by!

Sheila Greco

Hiring From Outside The Organization - "Advantages"


Hiring From Outside The Organization.

Hiring from outside the organization is on the rise right now. As executives take a look at internal talent and decide to recruit from the outside a few housekeeping issues need to be understood.

1. Job Description needs to be created.

2. Realize recruiting is a process.

3. Busy executives need to be aware that time needs to be made for interviews.

4. Onboarding may need to be part of the equation for certain levels. Either way, new employees need to have some sort of training and orientation.

What does all this mean! Someone from within the organization needs to be part of the process. Even if you outsource recruiting and onboarding.

Anyway I am getting off topic. Hiring from outside the organization has its advantages and disadvantages. Today we will discuss the advantages.

1. New People - New Ideas - Force the company to look at and possibly rethink the way things are being done internally.

2. Not a lot of training may be needed. Should be talented!

3. No political ties. Can actually stir the pot. Get internal team energized, more competitive, on their toes.....

4. Opportunity to hire from the competition. If this is done you have access to the "inside scoop" and have talent that could truly benefit your company!

5. If a sales role is being filled, sales could increase right away! Bring a book of business with them. Definitely these people have contacts and are great networkers.

6. Talk about networking. New hires can lead to other hires who these professionals know! Reduce cost to hire too!

7. Could potentially rid the company of lesser talent.

Again these are my thoughts! Feel free to pass  yours along to us too. Stay tuned for the disadvantages of hiring from outside the organization.

Thanks for stopping by..

Sheila Greco



Role Of A Recruiter. Are You Really A Recruiter Or Just Playing One On TV?

You know you are a recruiter when you...





1. Recruit- Not a recruiter that limits their efforts to just posting, tweeting,  and just taking whomever comes along. Real recruiters naturally and actively seek out the talent required.

2. Network- Speak to all who can help you connect with the best of breed talent. Continues to keep the networks they developed active. Networking work both ways! Always return calls and emails.

3. You become the expert - Regarding the position, the company, the hiring manager's needs and wants.

4. Really know the talent you recruited - Of course you need to know the background of the candidates, but you also need to know what make them "tick", gets them excited, what their long and short-term goals may be, and of course WHO they really are to include what they do in their spare time.

5. Only present on target candidates that fulfill the needs of the hiring managers and  are a match with the company's corporate culture. 

6. Have a sense of urgency- Feel everything needs to be done today! Nothing can wait until tomorrow. Do it now!

7. Organized- Being organized helps with effectiveness and efficiency.

8. Understand recruiting is a process - Willing to do what is expected during the recruiting cycle.

9. Overcommunicate - Follow through with the candidates that make the cut and those who do not. Always be available for the clients and candidates.

10. Always  ready to do #1.

There are many recruiters out there. There are many people who think they are recruiters and fewer great recruiters. If you are passionate about recruiting you can certainly be a successful one if you really care. Know the role of a recruiter before you take on the challenge.

Thanks for stopping by!

Sheila Greco

Sheila Greco Associates LLC, your research and recruiting resource! We look forward to hearing from you!



Recruiting Top Talent & The Importance Of Creating A Solid Target List

Top Talent can be hiding within the walls of the competition.

But don't stop there!



After reviewing numerous 2012 recruiting predictions and trends,  there seem to be 2 predictions that make every list.

1. The importance, need and desire to recruit directly from the competition.

2. Finding the much-needed talent with mission critical skill sets specific to an organization.

As I begin to think about this and how I can help my clients with these two trends, it has become obvious to me the need to emphasis the importance of a solid target list. The solid target list acts as a roadmap, a plan, as to where the talent may be sitting and poached. So by taking the time to creat a solid target list, long-term will help with identifying and recruiting the hard to find top talent needed by the organization. It is important to know that each target list needs to be specific to the requirements of each specific job. There could be some homework that recruiters may need to do to put together this solid target list, but it will be well worth the time and energy.

When creating a solid target list, I usually divide it into categories:

1 Target List, 5 Potential Categories

1.Competitors- Direct Competitors, same size, similar brands and services. (J&J)

2.Best Of Breed - companies with critical mass, best and brightest management teams, (companies may include  P&G, General Mills,  Apple, Google, Goldman Sachs, General Electric etc)

3.Back Yard Warriors - Great companies with great talent where recruiting top talent would not require relocation.

4.Small To Medium Companies On The Rise, but in  your space - Since 2008, great talent has been recruited by these companies and they have benefited greatly so great places to investigate and definitely not ones to overlook.

5.Specific teams within organizations - Those that have been recognized or known to have solid management and team players. (Human Resources Awards, Marketing Awards, Retail Creative teams).

If you need help with putting together a target list, call me at 518 843-4611 or email Glad you stopped by sgatalent... Until the next time enjoy!

Sheila Greco


Good Recruiters Recruit - Better Than Great Recruiters Prepare Candidates

Even with Research, Recruiting, Sourcing, Networking, Identifying Passive Candidates and Evaluation - It All Can Be For Naught..

No Matter What the Scenario, Recruiters Need to Prepare their Candidates for the Interview Process.

Identifying passive candidates, sourcing, networking, recruiting, evaluating and presenting with knowledge are things  great recruiters can do in their sleep - but preparing a candidate for the recruiting process can be a whole different story.

As I have stated over and over again; good recruiters fill the pipeline of candidates with ease but the job really doesn't stop there.  As a passionate professional in recruiting and passive executive research, I cannot stress enough the importance of preparing a candidate for the interview process.

You would think that when you are recruiting best-of-breed talent you wouldn't have to prepare them for the interview process - right?  Well, let me tell you, beyond contrary belief this is not the case.  Believe it or not it isn't a fact that every candidate we find knows how to interview or prepare for the process.  All your hard work can be gone in a moment if your candidate walks into the interview with an outfit only fit to be worn by Lady Gaga herself.   Although she is an incredibly talented artist and fashion guru, wish I had half of what she has, her attire wouldn't quite be the fit for most of corporate America.  Having said this, my disclaimer to my fellow recruiting professionals is to prepare your candidates (whether you think they need it or not) with any and all the information you have regarding things such as company culture and what is expected of potential employees.  This is part of the process that is most often neglected or we just assume candidates know on their own.  Perhaps they do but why leave it up to chance.

Tips for preparing candidates for the interview.

1. Discuss the value of dressing for success.   This has been known to be a very sensitive subject with candidates - so tread lightly and use those personal skills you have developed throughout your years of recruiting.

2. Educate the candidate, discuss the corporate culture, the company,  the process, the biography of the hiring manager and why the position is open.

3. Explain the role and what is expected (an insider knowledge is always good).

4. Discuss with them potential questions to ask regarding the position.

5. Help them sell themselves.   Provide them with hot buttons that are relevant to the hiring managers expectations.

6. Advise them to be honest about their experiences and what they are interested in doing short and long-term.

7. Be sure to tell them to follow-up with a thank you to all they interviewed with.

These are just a few very basic things that I have seen get overlooked by recruiters because they are under the assumption everyone knows how to interview.  The fact is, professionals who have been in a particular position for any lengthy time period has more than likely no idea what is expected of them in today's interviewing environment.

Recruiters, yes you are trained on how to recruit.   But success also rests on completing and filling the assignment. I believe that preparing candidates for the interview is an important part of the process as you continue finding, recruiting, networking, sourcing the best of breed talent for your clients each and every time.

Enjoy the holiday weekend and thanks for visiting us at

Additional Expert Advice:   Preparing For The Job Interview

Ten Tips on Preparing For a Job Interview

World Class Recruiting

Recruiting Top Talent and Creating World Class Recruiting Organizations Were The Common Threads in SMA's Event This Year.

The day began early as usual, with a gracious opening from Chloe Rada.  The day went by quickly as the speaker line up had many top-notch Industry Thought Leaders, Talent Acquisition & Sourcing Experts.  The Keynote was Andres Tapia, who provided us with compelling insights and practical information on why recruiting and retaining diverse talent is a business imperative for any organization.  Among the speakers, as always a crowd favorite Gerry Crispin who was a great moderator with a five star panel of experts such as Annie Chae, Chris Gould and Tito Magobet.  This session proved to be very informative.  Each speaking openly about their background's,  experiences and shared with us a few of their successes. I am sure everyone learned something from this session.

What a great day for LinkedIn!  The company went public, how exciting for many. Another great panel joined Kevin Krantz, Enterprise Relationship Manager, LinkedIn and discussed the many uses of LinkedIn as a tool for recruiters.  The panel consisted of Suzi Edwards, Diane Hughes and Michele Portfilio.  The day ended with a session on Recruiting Metrics, nicely presented by Steve Lowisz.

This powerful professional community was warm, and friendly, often sharing their own experiences with each other during  sessions, in private and during the event's breaks.  The evening cocktail party  sponsored by us, Sheila Greco Associates was very joyous one.  The room was filled with laughter, buzz around the topics discussed and it was quite obvious people really enjoyed being there and with each other.  This Chicago SHRM is one of a kind we really enjoyed it since it gave us a chance to reconnect with clients, friends, and develop new relationships with future clients.

Again we want to thank Michele and Chloe for giving us the opportunity to be part of this event.  We were a proud sponsor and look  forward to being part of this community.

If you work in Human Resources, Recruiting, Talent Acquisition, and/or Executive Search in the Chicago area you need to be part of the SMA of Greater Chicago organization.






The Art Of Listening & Learning!

The Art of The Conversation!

Do We Really Listen & Learn When We Converse!

You need to.  In Chapter 4 we take you through the Evaluation & Selection process.  As we begin to make decisions as to who the "A" Players are, conduct deeper dive interviews, have the candidates tell us why they should be considered, it is also important to compare and contrast the potential candidates to each other.  The only way we can do this well is to really understand who the candidates are and how they will not only perform in the role but how they will do as a whole within the organization, with the team and will it be a win-win situation for all involved.  I cannot emphasis enough how important it is to listen to what the candidates are saying. Conversations will take you back to college, learn about where they grew up, why they went to a certain college, chose the career they did, and the moves they made in their career. Then you talk to them about their own long and short term strategies, where they see themselves in five years, seven and ten years in the future. Learn about what they do when they are not working. What are their hobbies and interests just to name a few. As you are doing this you need to listen, digest, understand and learn about each  candidate. This in turn will help you the recruiter to make the tough choices as to who you will be filling the pipeline with.

Have fun and learn, listen, evaluate and select!