Oops We Did Not Connect Recruiting Email!

Recruiting emails can be very effective when looking to connect with potential candidates and networking resources. It is also a great way to send a message to say, I  missed connecting with you!



Over the years I have had great success connecting via email during the recruiting process. As a proven vehicle used to reach out to  potential candidates and networking resources, it can also be used to close the loop with those who you did not connect with!

As recruiters we usually try to reach out to potential candidates and others at least 4 times during the recruiting cycle and if there is no response, it would be safe to say there may not be. There could be a number of reasons for not connecting to include but not limited to timing,  the opportunity may not right, the professionals are very busy, and possibly can't think of anyone to refer. Therefore as mindful recruiters it is okay to move on, while at the same time let everyone know you are doing so. One way I like to do this is with the, "We Did Not Connect Recruiting Email." If you prefer to call, that is fine too, but I do recommend closing the loop. Below are a few examples of the emails I have used.

Subject line examples:

Subject line example #1: Still looking to network with you on the Vice President/General Manager role.

Subject line example #2: Still looking to connect regarding the Senior Buyer role.

Subject line example #3: We are still looking for the Talent Acquisition Director and I was hoping to connect.

Subject line example #4:  As a thought leader in the HR Industry  I was hoping to connect, but maybe next time.

First Paragraph examples:

1. Good afternoon Andrew, I tried reaching out a few times, however with no success. If you wish to connect that would be wonderful, otherwise I understand you are very busy and just not interested in networking at this time. However, there is always next time. Lastly, please note that if there is ever anything I can do for you, don't ever hesitate to ask. I would welcome it! The opportunity I am speaking about remains open, see below for details.

Good afternoon Andrew, sorry we didn't connect this time regarding the Talent Acquisition Director role. Please keep my information on file for future reference and feel free to reach out to me at any time. As you are aware, I recruit in your space and would be very interested in learning more about you, your career and ultimately your future career aspirations. Look forward to connecting when the time is right for you.

Good afternoon Andrew, hope all is well with you. I tried reaching out several times regarding the Director of Tax position, but without success. As you can see we recruit in your area of expertise and would be interested in learning more about you when you are ready. Please keep my information for the future!!

Good afternoon Andrew I was hoping to connect with you regarding the Vice President/General Manager role, but was unsuccessful. I did want you to know that as an industry expert I am hopeful to connect with you next time, even just to network. If you ever need me or would like to just chat, please feel free to call or email and I will make every effort to get back to you in a timely fashion. Have a great day and look forward to future conversations.

Again these are just a few examples of recruiting emails used to close the loop on potential candidates and networking professionals. Feel free to use them!

Have a great day everyone and happy hunting!

Sheila Greco

What is Trending in Recruiting?

What is Trending In Recruiting?



The latest game changers in recruiting are Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and many will say these resources or as I call them tools have revolutionized recruiting! So what lies ahead? "What Is Trending In Recruiting?"  It may only be for the moment, the day, the month and may or may not make the list next time.

Years ago there were limited options when it came to recruiting talent. Today there are many choices and resources so try to make it a point to explore the different choices and choose the ones that best fit our needs.

So, what is Trending  in Recruiting now?  Yes literally right now? Because Times They are a-Changin. Click on it, Bob Dylan's YouTube Song....

So what Is Trending In Recruiting?

1. Corporate internal recruiting functions are growing.  These teams are often led by seasoned, ex-Executive Search professionals.  Year over year these teams are becoming more sophisticated, efficient and cost-effective.

2. Executive Search firms are experiencing a year-on-year fall in revenues of a -6% from Q2 2011 to Q2 2012, the quarter-on-quarter data highlighted an upward trend (+8.6%) for the first time since June last year.

3.  Recruiting from the competition is stronger than everStealth research is needed to do this.  Many agree that although social networks have proven to be great resources, a limitation is their ability to show a complete picture of the potential talent pool without further investigation. Traditional research is mostly used for this method of identifying the players at the competition.

4. Passive Candidates Only Need Apply! Still rearing its ugly head.

5. Transactional recruiting is on the rise. Can hires honestly be made without the human touch?

6.  Debates over the effectiveness of social networking recruiting continues and how ROI can be measured for such resources. LinkedIn is very very effective but the jury is still out with regards to Twitter and Facebook.

7. Not sure if the current corporate recruiting process can handle the upcoming demand.

8. The use of social media as part of the recruiting process will continue to be a trend for some time.   Recruiters and hiring managers use these tools for recruiting, researching, networking and verifying.

9. Too much data! Too many tools! When the demand for talent heats up will some of the social media tools survive? Ask yourself do the use of these tools actually help a lot, so-so or very little. Rate them now!

What are the trends you are seeing? We would be very interested.

Happy Hunting!

Sheila Greco



Using the right recruiting email to recruit. Customize the recruiting email each and every time!

The recruiting email!

There is the Direct Recruiting Email and A Networking Recruiting Email. They need to be different.

Who is receiving the email? Each message needs to be specific to that reader. In order to be successful when using email as part of the recruiting process you need to know who you are sending the letter to and the message that you believe will yield the most responses.  Yes portions of the letter can be the same, but it still needs to be customized.

Recruiters love to network and so do "smart" professionals. I love sending out recruiting emails because we have had much recruiting success using this type of method.   What I love most about it, is the fact that often times great referrals and candidates are the results of these efforts, as well as connecting with others who can potentially be future candidates and networking buddies!  Returned or forwarding recruiting emails are like presents to me! I can't wait to see the goodies  inside!  In a recent study of our recruiters performances we discovered that on average 87% of our messages are answered within 24 hours. Wow staggering numbers that we all get excited about.

So obviously we are believers in this type of method. Although we are also believers in the fact that you answer any email within 24 hours as well.  Okay, Before we can begin our email recruiting efforts, we need to have superior data. Yes the information needs to be accurate. This includes having access to the right potential candidate pool with emails and direct dials to be used later, as well as having access to those we wish to network with.  You heard it here first folks, there is nothing worse than having a bounced email. I hate it!!! It slows me down and frustrates the heck out of me. Anyway, assuming we have the right contact and the right email associated with the contact the fun can begin! The following are a few email recruiting messages we use.  Enjoy!

Networking recruiting email subject line suggestions.

Subject line: As a thought leader in your industry I was hoping to network with you regarding a recruiting assignment we are embarking on.

Subject line: We are recruiting for a Vice President of Sales and I would very much like to network with you.

Subject line: I would very much like to network with you, as I have become aware of the fact that you are a well-regarded professional in your industry.

Subject line: We are recruiting best of breed professionals in your space, let's connect and network!

Subject line: I am very interested in connecting with you to discuss an opportunity I am working on.

The Direct recruiting email subject line suggestions.

Subject line: We have come to recognize that you are a star amongst your peers. I am a recruiter and would like to connect with you.

Subject line: We are recruiting a sales superstar and we are interested in connecting with you.

Subject line: As a well-regarded professional in your space, I am interested in learning about you and your future goals.

Subject line: We have been asked by our client to find/recruit a superstar and we want to connect with you.

Email Examples. (Let's assume we are recruiting a Regional Sales Manager for a Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing company located in Chicago. The recruiting email template that may be used:

Example of Networking Recruiting email.

Good morning Tom (always address the recipient), hope all is well with you. As a thought leader in your industry I was hoping to network with you regarding a recruiting assignment we are embarking on. ( I like to use what I stated in the subject line, but you don't have to, I just prefer to). We have been asked by our client to identify a best of breed, super star sales person for the Midwest region and was hoping you may know of someone.

We are looking for a hunter, one who has a passion for selling, customer service, and is self motivated by the desire to exceed his/her own goals as well as the goals set by the company. The client is in the business intelligence and data warehousing space. (rarely do we say who the client is in this introduction email)

Realizing you are a busy person, would there be a date and time I may reach back out to you that may work? Otherwise please feel free to contact me directly. I look forward to it. Additionally, if you wish, you may also pass this email along to others you may think may have an interest. Again thank you and have a great day!

Example of Direct Recruiting email.

Good morning Tom (always address the recipient), hope all is well with you. We have been asked by our client to identify a best of breed, super star sales person for the Midwest region. We are looking for a hunter, someone who has a passion for selling, customer service, and is self motivated by the desire to exceed his/her own goals as well as the goals the company has set for them. Ideally this individual will have a minimum of 8 years experience as well as a bachelor's degree. Our client is a highly regarded company in the business intelligence and data warehousing space.  (rarely do we say who the client is in this introduction email)

During the course of our research, we have identified you as being top amongst your peers and I would very much like to connect with you regarding this great opportunity. Not sure this may or may not be for you, due to timing or you may be doing very well  right where you are. Either way I would really like to connect with you to learn more about you and your career goals.

Realizing you are a busy person, would there be a date and time I may reach back out to you that may work? Otherwise please feel free to contact me directly at any time.  I look forward to our conversation. Additionally, if you wish, you may also pass this email along to others you may think may have an interest in this. Again thank you and have a great day!

That's all for today folks but there is more if you want me to send them to you.  sgreco@sheilareco.com

Happy Hunting!
Sheila Greco








Admit It, Investing In Passive Candidate Recruiting Practices Is Where It Is At.....

Fresh Passive Candidates for your next search

Investing In Passive Candidate Recruiting Is The Only Way To Recruit!

Don't Be Shy About It- Go After The Top Talent You Want From Where You Want!

Investing In Passive Candidate Recruiting if done correctly, tells the story of the competition's talent, the entire potential talent pool, assists with current openings, exploratory openings, talent management and can  hands down increase the time to hire when this information is used to proactively recruit.

Stakeholders involved in any type of recruiting need to be aware that this investment can drastically reduce the cost per hire while yielding the game-fully employed, possibly over performing talent you and your competition may wish to recruit. But you need to get to them first! You need to invest!

How can you reach this super talent?

1. Carefully choose an internal professional with previous research experience (picking up telephone and developing organization charts) or outsource to a reputable, results driven research company to do the work. The objective is to thoroughly break out the companies and teams at the companies of interest. Focus the efforts on comprehensive organization charting.

2. Find biographies of those uncovered by step 1. This again which will help you understand who is in each role, their backgrounds, education and the responsibilities of each.

3. View it, use it and cultivate it! Implement a system where someone in your organization connects or stays in front these professionals every 30, 60, 90, 120 days.  This can be done either internally or externally. We offer this service.

Today especially, we all know the passive candidate seem to be the recruiter’s best chance of filling critical roles, but they also can be the hardest talent pool to win over. You need to engage and build relationships with this talent pool.

4. Implement a strategy that creates a proactive recruiting methodology as part of the recruiting strategy. Remember everyone company want top talent just like you. Don't be shy go get them.

It has been proven that organizations that only use recruiting to fill current and immediate talent needs will often time miss out or be one step behind those that act proactively. So you need to stay in touch with the professionals who are on your radar screen as well as those you want to be on your radar screen.

Investing in Passive Candidate Recruiting & Research can be well worth it. We know. We have over 21oo clients doing this on a variety of levels.

I am on the road now creating awareness about the value of understanding the talent pool and the benefits the recruiting teams can have when utilizing the recruiting strategy that centers around passive candidate recruiting from a specific talent pool. If you are interested, just let me know and I can come visit or set up a web-ex meeting.

Thanks for stopping by.

Sheila Greco sgreco@sheilagreco.com 518 843-4611 ext 221


Proactive Recruiting - Passive, Happy Where They Are Candidates, Need to Be Recruited!

Fresh Passive Candidates for your next search

Passive, Happy Where They Are Candidates Need to be Recruited!


Proactive recruiting requires seeking out the best of breed candidates for each search assignment as set forth by the client.  Recruiting needs to be the direct result of contacting people who are sitting at the companies of interest, in a role that may be similar to the client's, are quite happy where they are and are not even thinking about making a move.

Until.....contact has been made! The opportunity has been presented, the conversation begins, the professionals are engaged,  interests are peaked, questions are being asked and the once "passive candidate" is becoming an active one for the role the recruiter is recruiting for.

Passive candidates are not looking therefore in many cases don't even know about  opportunities simply because no one has told them about it. They need to be recruited! So having said that, passive recruiters not proactive recruiters can be missing out on great candidates.

What is wrong with this picture? Recruiters need to be proactive. It is up to the recruiter to make the introduction regarding the opening.  Proactive recruiting efforts can result in recruiting passive,  happy where they are candidates. Makes sense.?Of course!

A major piece to proactive recruiting is getting the message and opportunity out there to the right people! Passive candidates are not thinking about looking for a new job, they are working hard for the next internal promotion! They want to be rock stars where they are!

My advice to recruiters, hiring managers and anyone looking to upgrade their team, and company, proactively recruit.  It is irresponsible to rely on sitting back hoping the right, qualified, best of breed candidates will come to you.

My advice today is to proactively recruit the top recruits before the competitor does!

Once again, Keep It Simple Silly! Recruit proactively!

Thanks for stopping by!

Best regards,

Sheila Greco

sgreco@sheilagreco.com 518 842-4611 ext 221


Recruiting Passive Candidates & Keeping It Simple Silly!

Recruiting Passive Candidates & Keeping It Simple Silly!




Recruiting Passive Candidates & Keeping It Simple Silly (KISS Method) has been my strategy for over 20 years.  The approach, as always is methodical and the process remains the same.  Whether recruiting for a President/General Manager , Java developers, Architects,  Regional Sales Managers ,  Account Managers (BI & Retail), Leaders and Consultants in I/T or Tax & Audit  the recruiting strategy remains the same.   It begins with research/name generation that provides the call/connect list which shows  the potential talent pool that is then used for recruiting and networking.  It doesn't get more simple then this!

Recruiting passive candidates and keeping it simple silly is what I believe to be the tried and true way to successful recruiting.  I have tried, I must admit to just go for it, but it only works for the first 1-2 days, then I find myself stalling a little to regroup which I find to be a waste of time.  Call me old-fashioned, but the more organized I am the more efficient I can be.  I practice what I preach! If you want to hear me preach call me! If you want results call me too.

Here is my 10 Step Keep It Simple Silly Recruiting Process:

1. Kick Off Meeting With The Client

2. Target List Development (Best of Breed, Back Yard Warriors, Direct Competitors)

3. Research/Name Generation - Steps to Uncover the Potential Talent Universe

4. Create Call List/Connect List (in addition to the research, I  recommend using  SGA ExecutiveTracker, LinkedIn, as well as other useful tools to create a comprehensive list. Do not overlook previous recruiting call lists and research) 1-3 days

5. Carefully Create/Craft the Email  & Telephone Message

6. Proactively Recruit/Source & Network

7. Fill The Pipeline With Interested & Qualified Candidates - Present

8. Set Up Interviews

9. Conduct Reference Checks

10. Hire

Pretty simple!

Oh one last thing, you need to be organized in order to be successful. Just wanted to get that one in too.

Who We Are:

Sheila Greco Associates LLC is one of the oldest and most trusted company in the recruiting and research industry. We are able to quickly and cost effectively conduct research/name generation for clients who choose to do their own recruiting as well as recruit solid candidates for corporations and search firms.

I am a trained executive search and research consultant (Trained By Jim Mead & Stan Johnson) so I have personally trained everyone in our firm  just as I was 20 years ago.

If you want to learn more about what we do and how we do it call or email me at 518 843-4611 or sgreco@sheilagreco.com

Thanks for stopping by!

Sheila Greco





Recruiting Similar Talent & Skill Sets Can Be Done Efficiently and Cost Effectively

She is a one of a kind Fashion Super Star!

Whether a company is Rebuilding, Adding, or Upgrading


Recruiting Similar Talent & Skill sets can be done efficiently and Cost Effectively


In some cases companies are looking for a super star like the one in the picture and other times, there exists a need to rebuild, add or upgrade a team. In such cases where there needs to be multiple hires, there are a few ways companies can do this and do it cost effectively. Recruiting today is about efficiency, uncovering quality top talent and its related cost.

Recruiting is a process and when recruiting similar talent and skill sets it is even more important than ever to use a methodical research/name generation step as part of the recruiting strategy.   Research/name generation can be done internally or outsourced.  Either way be sure this step includes a comprehensive target list, targets specific talent (architect, developer, buyer, product manager, sales representative/territory manager, auditor) and the recruiter must have the mindset that in order to begin recruiting there must be at least 50 names on the list (exception: when recruiting tax, audit and consulting talent I recommend a minimum of 100 names). It is a goal, it helps with the process, it keeps the recruiter organized, it can be referenced as time goes on and recruiting continues. It has many great uses.   Now that the research is done and done well, it needs to be followed by a proactive recruiting process.

The proactive recruiting process starts with connecting which can be any way the recruiter wishes; telephone, social networking medium, emailing , texting whatever but you need to connect with all on the list, otherwise the research step is for naught.

Staying organized is a must. It creates efficiency.  A good recruiter can double the size of the list or even triple it.  Now you are humming.....As the connections are being made, potential candidates are being vetted, the best are being presented and those not making the cut are being told it is just as important an activity to create a network of professionals in this space.  The best way to do this is by getting your information (the recruiter's) out to as many people as possible while the recruiting is being executed. Even to those who are not interested. Who knows this could change.

Long term, recruiters want professionals to know who they are and what types of positions they recruit for. Professionals need your contact information! How do you do this? It is easy! Just ask everyone how they would like you to deliver your contact information to them and also ask how they would like to be contacted next time.  What does this do? It makes you part of their professional network and he/she is now part of yours. You are now connected.

Additionally by having your contact information these professionals can connect with you when they are ready to make a move, want to refer or just chat. You now have a professional friend as well.  Oh so easy......just recruiting, building relationship and becoming a monster networker. It doesn't get any better than this.

Recruiting multiple professionals with a specific skill set can be considered easy, difficult and scary to some. But by knowing and using the recruiting process it can be made simple and cost-effective.  Once again being organized creates efficiency and efficiency creates less effort which saves time and saves money as well.  This is music to everyone's ears. Yes, recruiting multiple talent and skill sets and utilizing an efficient process can and does uncover top quality talent and creates a cost-effective way to recruit.

How can it be cost-effective? Companies have an option to negotiate the fee, suggest a flat fee if the recruiting is outsourced.  If it is done internally efficient recruiting efforts and filling the pipeline with all "A" Players who can all do the job, obviously results in awesome ROI.

Remember talent is a company's greatest asset. So when recruiting, it is important to hire the best, most qualified player who can fit in the company's corporate culture and whose long-term and short-term goals match the company's .

Thanks for stopping by...

Sheila Greco




Building Relationships help with recruiting!

Sheila Builds Relationships


It doesn't Matter Where I Go or What I do.......
I love the art of conversation and building relationships.
I enjoy getting to know people and who they really are!


As a recruiter and Monster networker, as I was most recently referred to as being, I believe every conversation counts.  Why? The reason is that at any time I could be recruiting for my company or for a client.  I also don't want to forget about others who may be looking for talent tomorrow and will be calling me to ask me who I know. It is beneficial on multiple levels to build long-lasting relationships and it’s also my personality to try to help people.   I can’t help it - it's just my nature! Should this be yours? Many of my conversations have deeper meaning and yours should too.

Like some professionals who are trained to understand who we are or profile us, I am trained to match people with companies and people with people.  How do I do this?  I have achieved this through conversations.   I get to know the person.  I ask lots of questions about who they are, who they want to be, what they like to do, and try to stay clear of who they think they are. Sometimes this is not so easy.

I believe that conversations and engaging people can lead to many recruiting successes. Whether these conversations take place on the golf course, dinner, event, or any type of face to face social interaction, you never know it could be a great time to put on your recruiting hat and if you are looking to further you career, it could help you get the job you are looking for. For me, the truth of the matter is that once people know I am a recruiter, many, almost always will start off the conversation with, "how is the recruiting business?"  Many of these conversations center around the job market, the people themselves, how they may be able to better themselves, position themselves for the future and many other topics that relate to their careers.  Will these conversation turn to a recruiting one? Maybe yes - Maybe No. At a minimum it is a networking conversation. In order for it to be a good one for all, you need to listen and engage. 

 Building Relationships help with recruiting! Remember it is not what you know, but who you know! The continuous effort to network and network with the right people can always be a benefit. Don't be afraid to network....Don't be afraid to start a conversation.  Don't be afraid to ask questions.  Just do it!

Let's not let recruiting or networking ever get in the way of having fun, developing friendships or making it an obnoxious passion.... you must know the art of networking and conversation. You will know when the time is right...

Just thought you would like to know...

Thanks for stopping by!

Sheila Greco


Are You Passionate About Your Work?

Are You Passionate About Your Work?

A Passionate Team is a Must for Managers.

Imagine a team of players with no passion for what they do.  Yikes - you may as well quit while you're ahead if that's the case. It is a proven fact that one bad egg can affect a team's morale, results and ultimately affect the company and services the team provides.

With this in mind, when managers are taking a look at their next hire, one of the key questions should be "are you passionate about your work?"

Great teams are often comprised of people who are passionate about what they do.  These people don't mind working hard, never feel entitled and respect and enjoy working with their teammates to create a cohesive/well-oiled machine.  Teams filled with passionate players feel a sense of success when the team wins and feels poorly together when the team fails. This is the type of team every manager dreams about.

I have been the proud owner of Sheila Greco Associates since 1989 and I am still passionate about what I do every day. I want to continue to create a strong work environment,  hire passionate team players and of course I want to surround myself with smart people who want to be part of our family and team.

I believe our success is because our players are driven by passion, the fear of failure and the desire to succeed.  Would I have done things differently as I built the business? Perhaps, but I must say the main reason our company is successful is because of the people I have on my team.

Below are a few tips that can either make you or your team more passionate and successful.

1.  First and foremost you must be self-motivated. If you are not, make yourself. You can do this! Passionate people whether doing something they love or not, can and do often succeed long-term!

2. Feel good about who you are, know your skill sets and be comfortable in your skin.

3. Don't depend on everyone else, depend on yourself for success.

4.  Don't be afraid to offer your 2 Cents in meetings. Participate, ask questions and offer suggestions.  Don't just sit back, you can help create passion.

5. Try a new way of doing what you may consider redundant.  When it works tell your teammates about it.  Tweak it as a team and implement it. New ideas generate positive things.

6. Continue to learn something new everyday.

7. Find a piece of your job you enjoy the most and run with it.

Being passionate about your job can come to you if it doesn't all ready exist.  We all definitely want to be able to say "I can't wait to get to work. All I want to do is work, I love work" this may not be the case for everyone however passion is an emotion and emotions can be enhanced.

If you tried a few of my tips listed above and not feeling any better about your job, it might be time to reconsider what you are doing. If you love what you do, shout it out! Especially when you are asked by an internal manager or executive and of course if you are out interviewing!!

Thanks for stopping by.

Sheila Greco


Sheila Greco's Personal Approach To Social Networking

Face-to-Face Networking has Many Benefits

My Personal Approach to Social Networking

Last Wednesday I co-hosted our third Recruiting Networking Event In New York City with InTalent Consulting.  This invitation only, intimate event is all about one-on-one sharing of information to include recruiting trends, hiring issues, retention and many other issues facing decision makers in today's ever changing talent acquisition and talent management areas.

The advantage to events such as this is the ability to network amongst your peers.   Many of our guests were openly discussing problems, successes, ideas and many were passing along business cards to continue the conversations.   It was a real hit!

The discussions were lively, interesting, informative to say the least.   At this time I wish to share with my readers the discussion topics I personally was involved in:

1. Companies Are Hiring - Actually 77% stated their company plans to and is currently recruiting senior level and individual contributors, a trend they see will continue at least through the third quarter of 2012.

2. Companies are continuing to build internal recruiting teams.

3. Using Social Media To Recruit continues to grow.

4. Great recruiters are still in high demand - especially those who know how to develop relationships, network and are proactive in their recruiting efforts.

5.  The frustration of having to sift through many resumes that are received from vendors that are not a match.

6. The value of on target research and the importance of  emails for connecting with passive candidates.

7. Companies are being a bit cautious  and taking their time bringing new hires on board.  They want to be assured these are the best candidates for the roles. Putting some pressure on the recruiters to say the least.

I want to thank my Co - hosts Mary Clair Ryan and Cindy Lubitz!  Two great ladies  you need to know.

Lastly we will be having more of these events in New York (again), Atlanta, Boston, Chicago and somewhere out west.   If you want to be part of the next one email me at sgreco@sheilagreco.com or tmasters@sheilagreco.com

Thanks for stopping by!

Sheila Greco

Role Of A Recruiter. Are You Really A Recruiter Or Just Playing One On TV?

You know you are a recruiter when you...





1. Recruit- Not a recruiter that limits their efforts to just posting, tweeting,  and just taking whomever comes along. Real recruiters naturally and actively seek out the talent required.

2. Network- Speak to all who can help you connect with the best of breed talent. Continues to keep the networks they developed active. Networking work both ways! Always return calls and emails.

3. You become the expert - Regarding the position, the company, the hiring manager's needs and wants.

4. Really know the talent you recruited - Of course you need to know the background of the candidates, but you also need to know what make them "tick", gets them excited, what their long and short-term goals may be, and of course WHO they really are to include what they do in their spare time.

5. Only present on target candidates that fulfill the needs of the hiring managers and  are a match with the company's corporate culture. 

6. Have a sense of urgency- Feel everything needs to be done today! Nothing can wait until tomorrow. Do it now!

7. Organized- Being organized helps with effectiveness and efficiency.

8. Understand recruiting is a process - Willing to do what is expected during the recruiting cycle.

9. Overcommunicate - Follow through with the candidates that make the cut and those who do not. Always be available for the clients and candidates.

10. Always  ready to do #1.

There are many recruiters out there. There are many people who think they are recruiters and fewer great recruiters. If you are passionate about recruiting you can certainly be a successful one if you really care. Know the role of a recruiter before you take on the challenge.

Thanks for stopping by!

Sheila Greco

Sheila Greco Associates LLC, your research and recruiting resource! We look forward to hearing from you!




Incorporating Customized Competitive Intelligence Into Your Recruiting Strategy Makes A Lot Of Sense


Competitive Intelligence Helps With Making Intelligent Hiring Decisions!

Incorporating Customized Competitive Intelligence Into Your Recruiting Strategy Makes A Lot Of Sense. When it comes to sourcing hard to find talent, the easiest way to do so is to conduct competitive intelligence on your competitors and the companies on the target list. Having data on the available talent can and does help with making solid recruiting decisions.

Let me compare it to handicapping. Handicappers base their decisions on data. Many start by taking a look at the talent of each horse and compare it to the competition. When they place their bet, or choose their top pick, they are confident they have chosen the best horse in the race based upon information to include individual talent, facts and statistics. Shouldn't recruiters be doing this too?

Think about it. Recruiters will take any edge they are given, so give them this edge. We all need it in order to recruit top talent EVERYONE wants and needs.  Having access to the potential talent pool, facts, data, and statistics, will in turn w give them the ability to reach the best of breed talent before the competition does. Competitive Intelligence requires upfront work, but long-term it cannot be beat! Knowledge is Power!

As I speak with clients and others regarding recruiting and current recruiting strategies, it is mind-boggling to me to think that hires are made without knowledge and data. As I walk them through the process and speak about the benefits of combining the two in the recruiting process, they begin to see the many benefits. I ask them, with your current recruiting strategy and process do you feel confident that the best candidate was chosen if there isn’t data to back it up? What are your thoughts?

Incorporating Customized Competitive Intelligence Into Your Recruiting Strategy saves time, money and the overall return on investment to the company is priceless.

Just wanted to give you something to think about over the weekend!

Thanks for stopping by! Have a question or comment call me at 518 843-4611 or email sgreco@sheilagreco.com.

Sheila Greco


Corporate Culture Makes A Difference When It Comes To Recruiting


How does your company stack up?


Corporate Culture makes a difference when it comes to recruiting. Companies with happy employees, breed success. Companies with top talent naturally create an environment that recruits itself. Winning and successful teams result in a company's success. A company's success makes a difference when it comes to recruiting.

A company's corporate culture is very important as one looks to make a move to a new organization. Yes the position, location, salary are part of the equation, but movers and shakers want to go to a company where they can soar, make an impact, be happy and of course succeed. In order to do so, these professionals want to be part of a company where employees come first and are respected. Creating a corporate culture where the best employees and management want to come to work, work hard, see the results and are respected will trickle down and among the other employees within the organization.

I have recruited for companies with a great reputation and others that do not have such a favorable corporate culture and there is a difference when it comes to recruiting. I must add that the leader of a team can make a difference too. If a leader believes in his/her people, that leader will have an easier time recruiting within the organization. Corporate culture can start with one or two individuals and quickly spread throughout the organization.

So pay attention to whom you hire. It will matter now of course but in the years ahead as well. Be a preferred employee company showing unfailing respect for all. Corporate Culture Makes A Difference When It Comes To Recruiting!

Enjoy! Thanks for stopping by!

Sheila Greco



Recruiting Top Talent & The Importance Of Creating A Solid Target List

Top Talent can be hiding within the walls of the competition.

But don't stop there!



After reviewing numerous 2012 recruiting predictions and trends,  there seem to be 2 predictions that make every list.

1. The importance, need and desire to recruit directly from the competition.

2. Finding the much-needed talent with mission critical skill sets specific to an organization.

As I begin to think about this and how I can help my clients with these two trends, it has become obvious to me the need to emphasis the importance of a solid target list. The solid target list acts as a roadmap, a plan, as to where the talent may be sitting and poached. So by taking the time to creat a solid target list, long-term will help with identifying and recruiting the hard to find top talent needed by the organization. It is important to know that each target list needs to be specific to the requirements of each specific job. There could be some homework that recruiters may need to do to put together this solid target list, but it will be well worth the time and energy.

When creating a solid target list, I usually divide it into categories:

1 Target List, 5 Potential Categories

1.Competitors- Direct Competitors, same size, similar brands and services. (J&J)

2.Best Of Breed - companies with critical mass, best and brightest management teams, (companies may include  P&G, General Mills,  Apple, Google, Goldman Sachs, General Electric etc)

3.Back Yard Warriors - Great companies with great talent where recruiting top talent would not require relocation.

4.Small To Medium Companies On The Rise, but in  your space - Since 2008, great talent has been recruited by these companies and they have benefited greatly so great places to investigate and definitely not ones to overlook.

5.Specific teams within organizations - Those that have been recognized or known to have solid management and team players. (Human Resources Awards, Marketing Awards, Retail Creative teams).

If you need help with putting together a target list, call me at 518 843-4611 or email sgreco@sheilagreco.com. Glad you stopped by sgatalent... Until the next time enjoy!

Sheila Greco


Description of Great Recruiters & Quotes To Keep Motivated

Great Recruiters Are....

Results Driven, Self motivated, Have the Desire to succeed, passionate, not afraid to fail, not afraid to work hard, Are money driven, Aim To Please

As a leader, trainer, a mentor and passionate recruiter, I continuously remind others the need to produce results, not just talk about it. Not that far off from what is expected from professional and college athletes.  In our world, it is all about finding and recruiting the best candidates quickly.

If recruiting is going to be your career and yes it is a career where one can make a lot of money and if you do it right have fun! But you need to give it your all.  All the time! Just Do It!  Below are a few quotes I share with others  as I mentor, coach and train. Have fun!

1. Some of us will do our jobs well and some will not, but we will be judged by only one thing-the result. Vince Lombardi

2. Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected. Steve Jobs

3. Control your own destiny or someone else will. Jack Welch

4. Success is dependent on effort. Sophocles

5. In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure. Bill Cosby
6. One of the things that may get in the way of people being lifelong learners is that they're not in touch with their passion. I you're passionate about what it is you do, then you're going to be looking for everything  you can to get better at it. John Canfield
7.  Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star. W. Clement Stone


If you wish to share any of your favorite quotes,  just do it!

Sheila Greco




Companies Who Employ Proactive Recruiting Strategies Will Win The War For Talent!

Fresh Passive Candidates for your next searchBack to Recruiting Basics!

Proactive Recruiting Strategies Include the Process of Knowing the Potential Talent Universe Before the Recruiting Activity Begins.

So you think you recruit -  but are you really recruiting or just think you are? Proactive Recruiters actively  recruit, search, hunt, seek out professionals who are employed by companies of interest, looking for those who can be enticed by a better opportunity and quite frankly just follow a methodical recruiting process utilizing  back to basics recruiting strategies.   I firmly believe that unless you know who is part of the potential talent universe before you recruit,  you cannot say with confidence that you have actively recruited, presented and hired the best-qualified candidate for the job!

Presenting candidates and filling the pipeline of candidates with only those who come to the recruiter, the company, found on job boards, the internet and are active is a very limited way to recruit. Wouldn't you agree?  I think that by only filling the pipeline of candidates with these types of recruits is what I call reactionary recruiting or passive recruiting. Recruiting in such a manner, in my opinion can be doing  a disservice to the company and clients.

I am not negating the successes that do come from passive recruiting or reactionary recruiting I am suggesting that recruiters need to take a step back, take the time to learn about the potential talent that could be available to the organization and clients. Recruiters really need to proactively use methodologies that uncover or identify potential talented recruits and then go recruit them.

Recruiting defined by Business Dictionary.com sums it up.... The process of identifying and hiring the best-qualified candidate (from within or outside of an organization) for a job vacancy, in a most timely and cost-effective manner. So you need to identify - know who you are recruiting by using research/name generation/traditional telephone research as part of the recruiting process.

Proactive Recruiting and returning to  Back To Basics Recruiting Strategies is  a long-term strategy and can be well worth it if a company truly believes people are their best assets.  No one will disagree with the fact that having top talent, breeds winning teams, that win and can compete on many fronts.

Ask yourself, did I recruit the best available talent during the recruiting process? If the answer is yes, than share your knowledge with the corporation and the client. It will speak volumes.  Winning the talent war does require employing a winning recruiting strategy and it does include research/traditional telephone research, passive candidate research as part of the process. My recommendation is "to be in the know" and to really know who  is part of the potential talent universe before you recruit. I always say, "go get them before they get you! Be proactive in finding the best of breed talent.

Hope you enjoy my Back to Basic Recruiting Presentation and download it now.  I will be scheduling workshops in New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Chicago and Pennsylvania discussing Back to Basics Recruiting Strategies.  So if you are interested, please let me know by emailing me sgreco@sheilagreco.com.

Always here to help...have a great day!

Sheila Greco

Below is an interesting article.

Interesting article in Forbes

The Working Girl Question - Guest Writer George Bradt

The Working Girl Question

Oren Trask was CEO of media conglomerate, Trask industries.  He was particularly gifted in choosing great people.

Behavioral interviews are useful to a point. It's essential to separate out people who know how to interview from people who know how to deliver. There are a lot of  people who can figure out how things happened in retrospect. There's a smaller subset of people that can make things happen in the moment.

I've found it's essential to go beyond the initial behavioral examples someone gives me in an interview to probe idea ownership. I ask a variation of the five levels of why, I look at levels of "How did you come up with the idea?"

(Note: This is an excerpt from the book Onboarding. Oren Trask does not actually exist. He's a character in Working Girl, written by Kevin Wade. His thinking is too powerful to ignore just because he isn't real. By the way, the picture is from the same movie.

George Bradt

Thanks George!





Organization Mapping - A Great Way To Learn About The Competition And Be Aware Of The Talent

Where Is The Talent? Who Is On The Team?

The Latest Trend Reveals Much Needed & Wanted Information

There are tools such as SGA  ExecutiveTracker,  LinkedIn, Google,  Passive Candidate Research, Social Networking and niche ones that assist with peeling back the onion, but the best way to Map an Organziation and capture this information is by speaking with people on the inside and those in the "know."

Mapping competitors, best of breed organizations and back yard warriors are super hot right now. Organization Mapping provides a cross functional picture of an organization. Pictures speak in volumes (organization charts) and can help with making recruiting decisions, talent management strategic planning and is widely used for competitive intelligence purposes. Today, smart companies are moving toward strategically aligning recruiting with competitive intelligence teams. Should you be doing the same? Or have you been using recruiting as a way to gain information about your competitors for quite some time. If you have you are not alone.

Where Is The Talent

Organization Mapping  shows how  the target companies are organized, where the teams fit within the organization, the size,  unique titles, if there are any,  and much more.

Who Is On The Team?

Now you know where the team is, you want to know about the players.   You want to know who are the stars on the team, their backgrounds, education, years with the company, diversity, greatest accomplishments. What you can do with this information can be endless! Can this help with current & future challenges!

Building competitiveness these days requires more than just your brand name, your product/services, and customer service just to name a few. It's about talent too. You need the right people, doing the right things! You need the best talent on the market. You need superstars. As you continue to build your teams you need to be aware of who is out there. We have heard the phrase, "people are our company's greatest asset,"  I agree! There is a lot of truth to this, but  I sometimes wonder if companies really mean this and believe enough in this that as they recruit they sincerely look to hire the best available.  If you believe in this you need information that helps get you there. Please read this interesting article written by Jennifer Blanchard | HRTools.com Business Writer.

Organization Mapping is the current trend. I believe in it and can see the value it has.  Be in the know! Know your competitors, know the talent and create the strongest team you can so you can win!!! Having top talent on the team creates at a minimum competitive teams and often times winning ones! But you can only do this if you are aware of the best players out there.




Passive Candidate Research Finds Them, Recruiters Recruit, Evaluate & Present, But Candidates Are Who They Are!

Passive Candidate Research & Organization Chart Development Uncovers Potential Candidates and Reveals The Potential Talent Pool

Recruiting, Evaluating & Presenting With Knowledge Is Another Step

But Candidates Are Who They Are....

www.SGATalent.com & Sheila Greco Welcomes Colleen Alyward

Let’s talk about Age Discrimination for a minute. By Colleen Aylward

An excerpt from the book “from Bedlam to Boardroom” by Colleen Aylward

My clients are executive level job seekers who are completely lost in this new world of job search. They often complain to me about age discrimination as the reason they are still unemployed.

Maybe so. But there is another angle.

People like to hire others who are just like them.

If you don’t match the high energy, excitement, and passion of the rest of the company, the hiring managers perceive you as having no energy, no excitement, and no passion. Most likely, this is not the case. Most likely, you have learned over the years to think before you speak, but sometimes this asset can be a liability, given the age and perceptions of an interviewer. Yes, you’ve gained wisdom: You consider alternatives before making quick decisions; you do research on solutions; and you always consider the downsides of each. You call this prudence. They may call it slow. Strike one.

If you have let yourself go physically, many hiring managers may feel that your mental agility has atrophied as well. Seriously. It’s not age discrimination. It’s their perception of your overall energy and stamina, especially in a highly taxing position and/or one with a lot of travel and activity. Strike two.

If you don’t use the language, the acronyms, the newest industry buzzwords, they may think you are outdated. Or that you have lost the drive to keep up with new things. I knew an executive who was one of the first brilliant architects of the client-server age. He went for an interview with a large software vendor, but he didn’t describe his work in the newest language of distributed technology – “cloud computing.” Strike three.

So be careful when you start to think age discrimination is taking place. That will just make things worse. You’ll be defensive during your interviews without realizing it. And what you might perceive as “age discrimination” might be a hiring manager’s response to what you project in the areas of energy, influence, and atrophy.