It's No Secret - Recruiting Requires The Use Of The 3 T's - Telephone, Tools & Technology

These 3 T's  offer the powerful solution to identify, connect and recruit mission critical talent!

Boston City Flow

Once again we are setting the bar high for the industry. If you are not using the 3 T's to create the potential talent pool, provide ways to connect with these folks, offer biographical information and of course presenting qualified candidates that are needed by your clients, then in my opinion you have not reached your full potential.


Telephone - It almost always ensures completeness. It provides such information as direct dials, emails, reporting relationships and current titles. It is accurate! This method also builds organization structure around professionals of interest and is certainly used to connect with potential candidates.

Tools - Recruiters love tools and as we all know there are many benefits associated with using tools. Such tools are SGA ExecutiveTracker, LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to name a few. So be sure you are using the ones appropriate for each assignment but do not rely only on these tools to recruit.

Technology - The computer, the telephone (smart phone) and any other device that can help with identifying, connecting and recruiting the candidates.

Recruiting requires results and the 3 T's can and do help with producing results.

Recruiting requires knowing the potential talent pool.

Recruiting requires the ability to have a number of ways to connect with people and knowing you need to use all of them.

Recruiting requires someone who believes that time is of the essence and knowing that you can never stop recruiting until the hire is made. No one said this job but it can be very rewarding!

Use the 3 T's because recruiting requires it!

By using the 3 T's there is no limit that can't be reached. Check out an example of our research deliverable that produces a strong pipeline of candidates. example



Happy Hunting!


Sheila Greco


No Use November! Use November As The Month To Pick Up The Telephone To Source And Identify Candidates - Please Sharpen Your Telephone Skills & Techniques

Costa frog

No shave November!

No use November!

What is No Use November? It is simple. It is my way to introduce or build awareness around stealth research and the benefits of using the telephone to map out the potential talent pool. What better way to grow awareness around this talent and lost art than by using the internet to spread the news. However this of course it not the only way I do this since I still call people. So get off the internet, start mapping and use the telephone......PLEASE!

Recruiting is more than just using tools. It is scary to think recruiting has come to this. I may be old fashion but stealth research and mapping the potential talent pool is a must when recruiting mission critical talent. Truly stealth research needs to be part of every recruiters tool bag as does the use of the telephone.

No use November means giving up time spent with research tools, shaving the time spent on the internet and use the freed up time on the telephone! You will not be disappointed.

I challenge the many recruiters who solely recruit by using tools and the internet to source/recruit to stop or slow down such efforts this month. I want all of you to learn how to use the telephone for accurate research and name generation. If you haven't been taught how to do it call me and I will try to help. Better yet I can train you if you wish. Please, try it!

No Use November is your time to focus on enhancing your mining talents by using the telephone to map out the potential talent pool. And of course to connect with potential candidates. Try not to rely solely on technology and sources that you may think are the end all be all. By using the telephone and mapping methods you will quickly discover, I promise increased efficiency and quicker results.

Join the many recruiters and sourcers who use the telephone to accurately map out the potential talent pool. Let me be the first to shout it out, the trend is to map it, org it learn it, and use this data to recruit from it. It is fun, exciting, rewarding and it keeps you learning!

You need the telephone so at least try it this month, No Use November!

Just saying.....

Happy Hunting!

Sheila Greco

Looking for Retail Talent? Take a look inside of SGA ExecutiveTracker




SGA ExecutiveTracker has many strengths to include retail talent. Our retail clients have hired hundreds of buyers, merchandisers, store managers, store operations, planners and corporate management professionals.

SGA ExecutiveTracker is more than just a research & recruiting tool.   It is a compiled database of  names, titles, emails, biographies and direct dials.   It complements many Daas competitors and LinkedIn.

SGA ExecutiveTracker is not a technology company and does not use web scraping or data dumps to obtain contacts. All our contacts are verified  exclusively by one of   Sheila Greco Associates in-house research teams.

SGA ExecutiveTracker can be segmented by functions, industries, Fortune rank and has many frequent highlights as part of the solution. We track over 14,000 Companies that are part of such lists as  Fortune, Forbes,  Fastest Growing Companies and those that are leaders in their industries. We do not track every company, but many of major ones. We go deep into companies with information that is difficult to obtain and maintain!

In addition to SGA ExecutiveTracker retail strength, one of SGA's  core strengths in the retail sector and our ability to map out many retailers top to bottom, (customized research).  Our clients have the opportunity to use this for recruiting, benchmarking and talent management.

Top Retailers - Let's look inside SGA ExecutiveTracker

Wal-Mart, Kroger, Target, Walgreen, Home Depot, Costco, CVS Caremark, Lowes, Best Buy, Sears, Safeway. We cover corporate management and many, many levels below.

Below we highlighted some great merchandising talent that can be found in SGA ExecutiveTracker.

Linda Hefner Wal-Mart

Michael Donnelly Kroger

Kathryn Kathee Tesija   Target

Timothy L. Rose Costco

Grant Pill, & CVS Caremark News from

Bob Gfeller Lowes

Kelly Griffith Safeway

Thanks for stopping by and I do hope you check out SGA ExecutiveTracker .

Sheila Greco

Companies Who Employ Proactive Recruiting Strategies Will Win The War For Talent!

Fresh Passive Candidates for your next searchBack to Recruiting Basics!

Proactive Recruiting Strategies Include the Process of Knowing the Potential Talent Universe Before the Recruiting Activity Begins.

So you think you recruit -  but are you really recruiting or just think you are? Proactive Recruiters actively  recruit, search, hunt, seek out professionals who are employed by companies of interest, looking for those who can be enticed by a better opportunity and quite frankly just follow a methodical recruiting process utilizing  back to basics recruiting strategies.   I firmly believe that unless you know who is part of the potential talent universe before you recruit,  you cannot say with confidence that you have actively recruited, presented and hired the best-qualified candidate for the job!

Presenting candidates and filling the pipeline of candidates with only those who come to the recruiter, the company, found on job boards, the internet and are active is a very limited way to recruit. Wouldn't you agree?  I think that by only filling the pipeline of candidates with these types of recruits is what I call reactionary recruiting or passive recruiting. Recruiting in such a manner, in my opinion can be doing  a disservice to the company and clients.

I am not negating the successes that do come from passive recruiting or reactionary recruiting I am suggesting that recruiters need to take a step back, take the time to learn about the potential talent that could be available to the organization and clients. Recruiters really need to proactively use methodologies that uncover or identify potential talented recruits and then go recruit them.

Recruiting defined by Business sums it up.... The process of identifying and hiring the best-qualified candidate (from within or outside of an organization) for a job vacancy, in a most timely and cost-effective manner. So you need to identify - know who you are recruiting by using research/name generation/traditional telephone research as part of the recruiting process.

Proactive Recruiting and returning to  Back To Basics Recruiting Strategies is  a long-term strategy and can be well worth it if a company truly believes people are their best assets.  No one will disagree with the fact that having top talent, breeds winning teams, that win and can compete on many fronts.

Ask yourself, did I recruit the best available talent during the recruiting process? If the answer is yes, than share your knowledge with the corporation and the client. It will speak volumes.  Winning the talent war does require employing a winning recruiting strategy and it does include research/traditional telephone research, passive candidate research as part of the process. My recommendation is "to be in the know" and to really know who  is part of the potential talent universe before you recruit. I always say, "go get them before they get you! Be proactive in finding the best of breed talent.

Hope you enjoy my Back to Basic Recruiting Presentation and download it now.  I will be scheduling workshops in New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Chicago and Pennsylvania discussing Back to Basics Recruiting Strategies.  So if you are interested, please let me know by emailing me

Always here to help...have a great day!

Sheila Greco

Below is an interesting article.

Interesting article in Forbes

Only The Employed Need Apply - Employing Traditional Passive Candidate Research Can Be The Force Behind Doing So

Fresh Passive Candidates for your next search

Only the employed need apply.  Agree Or disagree. It is reality to some.

Traditional Passive Candidate Research can be The Force  Behind Hiring The Employed!

For those who use Traditional Passive Candidate Research as part of their recruiting strategy, recruiting the employed really is not anything new. I am not saying that only the employed are targeted to fill the potential candidate pipeline report, but the emphasis is put on finding candidates who are residing at the companies of interest to include competitors, best of breed companies, back yard warriors and other companies the hiring manager has had success recruiting out of. A great way to connect with these professionals is to employ Traditional Passive Candidate Research into the recruiting process.

Not everyone knows about Traditional Passive Candidate Research. That is okay, but should your client ask you for passive employed candidates you should become aware of it. Simply put it is the process of  identifying potential candidates from a target list of companies created by the hiring manager based upon past successful hiring results. This process goes right for the jugular. Calling into companies and getting right to the people of interest. I am not saying to ignore the internet or research and recruiting tools  to find talent. You can use them, but don't solely depend on them.

The benefits of Traditional Passive Candidate Research - can far outweigh using free and paid for service research and recruiting tools.  The center of the search process is undeniably the research phase so it needs to be done right and it needs to be done by those who know how to do it. Having access to top talent right from the beginning can and does shorten the recruiting cycle, not to mention helps the recruiter recruit with knowledge. Most Traditional Passive Candidate Research provides not only names of potential candidates, but reporting relationships, emails, direct dials and often times specific information around the executives and their teams.

Let's face it, hiring managers drive the process and know who they  need. Often times they turn to the internal talent acquisition team to get it done. Depending on internal capabilities, hiring can be done internally, outsourced or a combination of both. Either way the goal remains the same, there is a need to find best of breed talent yesterday. Traditional Passive Candidate Research empowers recruiters to be focused, the ability to get to the right candidate faster, a channel that allows the recruiters to engage with potential candidates, network, and can assist with branding a company just by connecting. Oh, such power! And yes, it gets the recruiter to the employed!

I am not saying to ignore the unemployed...... but do recruiting partners/clients want to see these folks from you?  It depends. Some do, some don't. Remember you don't make the rules! You can choose to follow them or opt out. However in today's world and according to many articles in the news, there are corporations publically saying the employed need apply or privately doing so. Either way,  in order to be a successful recruiter these days, you need to know how to  find the employed.

A few things to ponder.....

Do you agree that the best talent are those who are employed?

Do you consider that statement of "Only the Employed Need Apply" to be discrimination against the unemployed?

Please feel free to comment. My opinion is that as a recruiter you always want to find the best of the best, the "A" Player talent. So do just that. I look forward to hearing from you.

Sheila Greco







Knowing who you are looking for is the first step in finding them…

Recruiting Top Talent Requires Knowing Who You Want & Knowing Where You Need to Go to Find It!

Executive Research & Passive Candidate Recruitment

Chapter 1 Who

Who are we looking for? We start by creating the Profile/Job Description. The description should be simple and include such things as title, reporting relationships, overall role & responsibilities, qualifications such as particular skill sets and experience, and education. You also need to know who the client is really looks for and needs & wants. What makes he or she tick.  Remember, likes like likes so you need to know as much as you can about the hiring manager, the team, what the team is good at and what the team is not so good at.You can use this information as you begin to think about the research & recruiting strategy. Why? As you fan out from the target list you have other places to look for potential talent Stay tuned. As you go through this exercise you will now begin to understand the talent you need to find, recruit, and present

Chapter 2 Recruiting and Research Strategy

This step is very process driven and simple. This will include such things as creating the target list, the appropriate level or title we are seeking, favorite companies that the hiring manager or company has had success recruiting from, not the mention the ones that have not been so favorable. Discuss direct competitors, industry leaders, back yard warriors, best of breed companies, just a few categories that need representation when creating the target list.  Keep in mind, this step is the foundation of every successful assignment and is the starting point of finding and identifying top talent and uncovering the potential talent universe.

As the target lists are created, edited and finalized, the research phase begins. This includes building organizations charts around the talent of interest at each of the target companies. As the research is being conducted, it is imperative to not only obtain the names, titles and complete organization charts, but you must also be sure names are spelled correctly, titles are exact, emails gathered are verified and direct dials are confirmed. This makes reaching out to these folks easier and with a variety of ways.

Below is an example of an organization chart used for recruiting.

Intelligence is Everything....

Hiring Intelligently is the Only Way to Hire.

Being aware of the potential talent pool is critical to your success.

How do you know you recruited the best just because you made the hire?  Well, the truth is you don't.   You need the intelligence to be sure you did.  You do this by being totally aware of the potential talent universe.  You need to have the "inside view" of the talent pool of the professionals on your target list.

Time and time again we have proven there are significant benefits of knowing where to find the best talent, who they are and how to obtain access to them.  This is all available by using passive candidate research when you recruit.  This is done by building organization charts centered around the talent you are seeking.  This process does not necessarily need to be expensive but any cost involved is well worth it.

Successful companies have the intelligence on their competitors, back yard warriors, best of breed companies and the talent within each.

In order to be competitive you need to have the best talent.  Today a company's best asset and competitive edge is its people.   Having said that, when you are recruiting and/or looking to upgrade internal talent, become aware of whom the best players really are.

Follow my SGA Playbook and come back daily for information regarding recruiting the best with knowledge and intelligence.

Monday - Chapter 1 Who

Tuesday Chapter 2 Recruiting & Research Strategy

Wednesday Chapter 3 Recruiting Campaign

Thursday Chapter 4 Evaluation & Selection

Friday Chapter 5 Presenting With Knowledge & Intelligence