Thank God It's Friday! F on Friday At SGA means.....
Each Friday at SGA is magical. It can be sensed as one walks in the door. Everyone is scurrying around, a sense of urgency is over the top but a light hearted atmosphere is also present. It is hard to explain but it really is awesome!
The team knows what needs to get done while at the same time can look back at the great results the team has accomplished during this time period. It has been our tradition since day one, to end the week with lively conversations where we gather relax, talk about our successes, and our journeys. Much of this time is spent laughing, joking and picking on one another in a good way. We become one supportive happy big team!
The letter F to us on a Friday....
Fruits of our labor - sit back and see the week's successes!
Final day of the week - Need to meet the deadlines we promised and ones we set for ourselves.
Oh what a Fabulous and Freaky Day it is - sometimes referred to as Freaky Friday! Our sales team closes many deals on Friday, however the ones that just fall out of the sky on Friday's are referred to as "Freaky"!
Fun - Typically there are contests and drawing spurring the day's activities.
Food Day! It is not unusual for many to bring food to the office on Friday for all to share and enjoy!
We love Friday's and this tradition! We set aside the last hour of our day to reflect on our successes and just gather around to chat. Love this team!
What is your Friday like at the office?
Sheila Greco