Sheila Greco's Search Technique from the Recruiting Animal
Source: Dave Mendoza
Sample Search:
Goal: Get names of brand managers
Tools: Directory listing brands of each target company
Technology: Phone
- research from the top level down
- set a target of 10 names per call.
- if you can, find out who they report to and who reports to them.
- don’t be afraid to ask questions about structure
- think of your questions as guiding "the interviewee"
so the information needed is obtained.
- keep asking till they won’t give you any more.
How To Present Results
- show the org charts you create to the client
- get feedback: she might know some of the people and tell you
who to target or avoid
- when you present candidates provide a written summary of
how they compare to eachother
- give the client an org chart of her own company to show
how the candidates fit in
- this prop helps you explain the logic of your short listed selections
Example 2:
Goal: recruit a VP Merchandising
Results of Sourcing: identified 100 names to call
Short List: 5 candidates were presented.
Cost: 20 hours sourcing, 35 hours recruiting
Value Adds
1. built a database of candidates used on future searches.
2. gave client "in-depth knowledge of the competitive landscape" (talent pool?)
which could be used for future searches