Sheila Greco's Eulogy To Her Grandmother Marie Dygon

Today we say goodbye to someone whose love was and is so important in our lives. Grandma was a very special person and we will all remember her for who she was to each of us. I’m sure each and every one of you here today has something to share on how my grandmother touched your life. Keep those memories close and forever in your minds and hearts She may not be here today physically but she is with us forever spiritually. She is a part of us forever!

I was very close to grandmother not to mention her only granddaughter so of course I was a little special in her eyes. Sorry boys!! Well she was special to me too.  Like many of us, she wasn’t perfect, but her love was unconditional.  I know because she has shared that love with me for all of my life.  Prior to her fall, we would spend endless hours talking about the past., she told many, many stories that she remembered about the antics of her children, grandchildren and about great-great grandchildren too. Her stories were always happy ones where we would laugh and just be silly.

Depending on the child, grandma would do whatever the child wanted to do! From playing baseball in the yard, racing us in the swimming pool, growing vegetable gardens, playing cards, dominos, bingo even betting horses with the best of us, she never really cared about what she was doing as long as she doing it with those she loved! Her family meant the world to her.

We do remember how she was always glad to see us, how she would welcome us with hugs and kisses, and then say "I love you!!! She would then hold our hands with both of hers, to look at us and even without words, that look and her smile said "I am so proud of you. When I couldn’t be with her and would just talk to her on the telephone it was always about me! She wanted to know how I was doing and when would I be home. She was always so happy when the whole family was together.

She really taught all of us the importance of family, love, and kindness and the importance of being a good solid citizen. Something I can see we are all passing along to our children as well. Believe me it was felt in the room last night! The love and warmth were felt by all.

We all remember her faith and how important is was for us to go to mass and Auriesville Shrine in the summer.  She said the Rosary daily, prayed before bedtime thanking god for the day and to bless each and every one of us. She even did this nightly with her loving caregivers. In her final days even when she couldn’t speak a whole lot she would shout out their names to let them know she was grateful to them. We must remember how she prayed for us, and we know how her prayers are even with us now. Her faith and her devotion to the Lord was so strong, I have no doubt she has found Eternal Rest with our Lord and Savior.

We remember her hope, for each of us, that we would find happiness in our lives, that we would grow to be good and loving people. We know that she was not disappointed in any of us. She would have been so proud to see all of us together yesterday.

You can see the faith she has shared, as we gather today to commend her spirit into the trusted arms of our Loving God for eternity. You can see, most of all, the love she gave and gave and gave, ceaselessly and tirelessly for all of us, in that we come together today and remember her.

And so Grandma your life was one of faith, of hope, and of love. And the greatest gift that she has given us is her love. We love you, Grandma. We will miss you. And we will always remember you.