Recruit! Go After The Ones You Want!

Be Proactive!

The Art of The Conversation!

Chapter 3, The Recruiting Campaign.

The Passive Candidate Research created the list, presented the recruiter with the lay of the land by showing WHO is at the right level, company and just awaiting our network and recruiting call. Begin to Network, Network, Network!!! It does get you many potential candidates to review, compare and contrast! So take advantage by calling, texting, emailing, talent your client wants, not the ones who are actively looking! I am not saying to dismiss the active candidates, I am saying that to proactively go after the passive ones! As we make a way through the list, we cannot forget to use such tools as SGA ExecutiveTracker; Linked In & SGA Live.

The recruiting campaign ultimately provides us the pipeline of candidates we will be presenting during the life cycle of the search. So you need to be giving it 100%.

Happy Hunting!