Our Women in Technology Study on Forbes

I am proud to say that SGA's 2007 Women in Technology study was the main source for the recent Forbes article "Tough, Tech-Smart--And Female" by Rachel Rosmarin.

It is a must read for recruiters and any one interested in what is happening in this area. Just to share a few of the details, the number of woman who have the title Chief Information Officer is up to 9% from 7% compared to a few years ago. Thirteen percent (13%) seems to be the lucky number of woman in technology’s representation from 1075 companies that have been analyzed by us since 1998. If you are interested in knowing who these women are, we have the top 25 listed in the report and for a price we can sell you 135 women in technology contacts we uncovered while working on this project this year. Register here to receive a complimentary copy of the Women in Technology study.

Net/Net, we need more women in these jobs. If your daughter asks what profession she should be in, you may want to think about having her go into the technology field. When college graduates enter this field, the salary level is pretty constant and similar; however as they climb the ranks, the salary levels begin to separate and the male counterparts begin to make more money. What women need to do is negotiate more as they climb the ranks and take other positions both internally and externally from their current organizations. As a thought leader in this space, if you are looking for a tech position, want advice or are recruiting in this space, let’s chat. I look forward to it.