Sheila Greco Shares Wisdom and Experiences of the past 25 Years 1/25


Success does not just happen!

You make it happen!

But long-term the secret is how to continue to make it happen!








Sheila Greco Shares Wisdom and Experiences

Decades of success requires determination, the ability to recognize change and the need to evolve as part of a long-term plan. For me, I can say if you want to succeed you need to evolve. Part of my 25 year journey was not an easy one, but I must say a rewarding one. As I continue on with this journey, I continue to learn, work hard, stay passionate, innovate and surround myself with smart people. The next 25 will be even better for me, the team, the company and our clients. Why? Because we learned from the first 25!

For the next 25 business days I will be sharing a few of my favorite experiences, events and happenings with all of you. I hope that you can learn from certain ones, relate to others or just enjoy reading them. It's been a great ride and I do look forward to the next 25. Thanks team, mentors, clients and all of you who have been with us along the way!

The theme of Day 1 of 25 is to share with you advice I was given before I started the business, and shortly thereafter. Enjoy today's blog Sheila Greco Shares Wisdom and Experiences!

Starting a business is hard, it is scary, but if you are going to do it, just do it, give it your all and don't look back! This is pretty  much my dad's advice who of course was an entrepreneur. Thanks Dad! Today, I want to add to what he had said as well as offer my own advice to the next entrepreneur. I believe that in order to be successful you must love what you do, be passionate, have the desire to win, over deliver, the drive to work hard, a sense of humor, the ability to listen/learn from others, and never stop setting goals. Oh and by the way, for those who like to say or believe successful people got lucky, my response to that is I believe you make your own luck.

The next advice I was given was by Rick Miners, (Mentor) an ex-Partner at Goodrich & Sherwood whom I worked with in New York City early on in my career. He impressed upon me the fact that our industry is such that time is always of the essence and clients expect everything yesterday. Boy is this true! Running with this advice I soon realized quality services are assumed, and quick results are expected. Additionally he said each project and assignment needs to be completed to the client's satisfaction because again in our industry we are only as good as our last project/assignment. Again so very true.Thanks Rick.

Another piece of advice, given to me by Don Mitchell (Mentor) was to search for inspirational quotes to refer to as often as it makes sense and as times change look for new ones that correspond to your goals and changing times. So I can remember, so clearly, that on the Sunday night before I started my business, I searched through hundreds of quotes to find the ideal one. I finally did. It was a quote from Sir. Thomas Watson, and it is "To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business, and your business in your heart." This quote stayed taped to my phone until I finally got rid of it in 2001. But of course it has never been forgotten.

The last bit of advice was from George Bradt who advised me to seek out mentors. Of course he being one of them, I went off and carefully selected 4 more. Thanks George you have always been there for me and continue to be. I must say that these mentors over the years have helped me with decision-making, ideas, guidance, inspiration and always open and honest. My advice to everyone out need one or two mentors. If you have one, great if you don't go find one.

Well folks that is it for the day! If you have any questions, want to learn more or just want to have a conversation about my experiences, call and let's set up a time to chat.

Don't forget to check back tomorrow for 2/25, Sheila Greco Shares Wisdom and Experiences !

Happy Hunting!

Sheila Greco

Hope you enjoyed my blog; Sheila Greco Shares Wisdom and Experiences