Transparency Within An Organization Builds Trust

We Like to Work With People We Trust!

As a leader of a small company I believe in transparency within an organization. I believe that the more my employees know, the more successful they will be and the company will be.  Being honest, transparent and upfront can and does create trust. I was once told by my Father that transparency is very important to any company ( he too  owned a few small businesses) because transparency  fosters trust and trust amongst the team ultimately creates success!

Trusting a leader, each other, believing in the same goals, being able to reach those goals as individuals and team players leads to success both short-term and long-term.  It’s the realization that one person cannot do anything as well as a cohesive, trusting team can do.  As a leader, I can say that  it is much easier to move a mountain with teams that  are "on-board" and  supportive of each team player's abilities than to complete the goal alone.

Leaders need to be accessible, need to be open and honest with all the players. It is important that the team players are honest and open with each other and the leader. Leaders cannot be afraid to share with the team the overall strategy of the company, what is expected of each player, each project, the results desired and the importance and need to trust each other each and every time.

Overall, team players need to be on board with the decisions the leader has made.  Some decisions can be made as a team, while others need to be made by the leader themselves. Many successful team players are creative, willing to learn, not afraid to share amongst the team what they have learned and also willing to be open to tell. Each team player needs to be accessible, upfront and trust each other. To hold it all together each team member needs to behave in such a manner that displays passion, interest in succeeding and playing well in the sandbox while treating each other fairly.

Having a transparent team atmosphere has a tendency to show weaknesses within the team too. Displaying weakness within the team either allows one to change a team member’s position to something they are more suited for or it will make those decide that this isn’t for them and move on. This is okay long-term!

Transparency within an organization does not just happen. It takes time. It starts with the leaders implementing this strategy and it needs to be embraced by each team player. Sharing information amongst the team is a must for this to work. Not everyone feels comfortable openly sharing what they know, it may seem like one is going against what they have been taught but it becomes imperative that everyone be open for transparency to work. This is a learned behavior, I think.

If transparency exists within your organization hats off to you. If it does not, think about how you may want to introduce it.

Have a great day!

Sheila Greco

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The Importance of Engaging & The Art Of Conversation As A Recruiter & Recruit

As A Recruiter We Need To Engage

As A Recruit You Need To Engage

Whether you are a recruiter or recruit you do have a lot to say. Conversations allow us to share what we want and need to.  Just to be successful in life one needs to master the art of  conversation and  engagement! I believe that hands down those who engage and are great communicators in general have a huge advantage over those who are quiet, offer up one liners and only answer questions when asked. This can be true both inside and outside of the corporate world.

Let's face it, as recruiters our job is to find the best of breed talent during the recruiting process. We need to stand out from the recruiting crowd. We want to be the ones the potential candidates call back  and want to connect with. We  need to engage a potential candidate, by creating an interesting story about the job we are recruiting for as well as how exciting the opportunity is and the importance of the role to the company. I always say, people will listen if you give them something good to listen to.

With recruiting,  a little teaser about the position can be a good way to engage. Personalizing the message adds a nice touch as well. You can do this even if you don't know the person. It shows them you took the time and want to speak to them with regards to the position.  If the recruiter is engaging and a good conversationalist, it makes it easier for the candidates to tell their stories.

Candidates you need to be engaging and master the art of conversation. You have a lot to say. You need to tout your experiences, your successes, your achievements, your passion for what you do. You need to tell the recruiter why they want you and why you will be good for the open position. Talking about yourself is about the easiest thing to do. You know it, you lived it and you should be proud of your successes! So tell a good story. Take the time to create it. Prepare!

Over the next week or so, I will be discussing my experiences as a recruiter and the different types of recruits I have recruited over the years. Sharing this information I hope will help all of you. Lastly, I would love to hear your experiences.....


Have a great day!

Sheila Greco